Mountain Dream

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You found yourself floating in darkness again. The darkness once more feeling like warm water that you were able to sweep through your finger tips. You could feel a slow current push your body forward. Soon enough you began to fly with the current. The dark warm water feeling like silk against your skin. Ahead of you, you could see that you were coming closer to what looked like a horizon line.

Dimly two figures came into your vision. You could see that they were talking to one another behind the edge of the horizon line. One of the figures was short and the other looked a few feet taller. As you got closer to them, you could see that the taller one was talking with an emotionless face.

You were now on the horizon line and it looked as though you were looking through a wall of blue glass. The wall made the figures on the other side have blue tinting that mixed with their natural coloring. After a brief moment they noticed you and turned abruptly to you.

The short dwarf looking creature turned to you quicker and he had a shocked expression on his face. While the taller one was still showing absolutely no emotion at all.

Floating there in front of these two strangers, the short one was freaking out and running around in small circles. The tall stranger just looked from his companion to you every few seconds. As if he were trying to process what was happening.

You could barely make out what they were saying, due to the glass wall you figured to be muffling their voices. Shifting your gaze from each of the bizarre strangers in front of you, you giggled to yourself.

The short one took noticed of this though and he stopped his pacing and looked straight at you. The look on his face, hilarious, he was all scrunched up making him look like a really wrinkly old man having a poop.

That almost did it, you were on the very edge of cracking, but when he crossed his stubby arms the damn finally burst. At this point your laugh sounded like you were trying to figure out whether or not you were going to cry or laugh. You bet the two figures on the other side of the wall could even hear it.

You were now on the brink of tears as the tall stranger just kept his stoic expression the whole time. Which then caused you to have another flood of laughter managing its way out of your wheezing form.

The little grouchy man got more upset at this and flipped his left hand upward turned away with a quick spin and disintegrated into swirls of green light. The tall man was still just standing there staring at you intensely. Your laughter had died down at this point.

There was now just a really awkward silence. Looking around not knowing what to do in this type of situation, you found yourself staring at a weird curled stray hair that was sticking out from the side of the stranger's semi-long blond hair.

You heard some muffled grumbling come from the strange man. Which moved your stare away from his hair and you were met with his intense stare. While you were having your little staring contest, you noticed that he had really deep blue eyes. To that even with out the blue tinting from the glass, you could see that he held no emotion in those sharp blue eyes of his.

',This guy must be known for just killing people by just glaring at them or something.'

One thing you were certain of was that you completely enticed by his eyes. There was something in them but you couldn't completely grasp what it was.

The man was still staring, but not as intensely now. Then the swirling green light that was from the short stranger came in and was flying around his head. He slowly nodded at the green floating, sparkling thing and turned away from the glass wall. He started to slowly walk away from the wall.

The tall man looked at you one last time and looked deep into your eyes and took one last step away from the horizon and disappeared into a poof of green and yellow swirls... ... ... ... ... ...

Suddenly everything around you felt cold and sharp, you quickly opened your eyes and deeply inhaled the air around you. When you managed to get some air, your breathing pattern was short and quick.

The cold air chilled your throat instantly. So you sat up and started to cough a bit. Your vision was a little blurry but you could tell that it was now morning.

Rubbing your eyes, you yawned while stretching your arms and legs. Feeling something furry behind you, you looked back and saw Oslo with his semi berry stained fur coat. Turning back you gazed around at your surroundings sleepily.

You noticed that the bright sun was about to rise over the peaks of the mountains. The morning sun's glare hurt your eyes a bit as it did. Shading your eyes, you slowly stood up and wrapped your giant warm coat tighter around you.

The temperature had defiantly dropped big time last night. Shivering, you got up to get more logs to start up the fire again. You began scolding yourself for not bringing more warm items of clothing, or even blankets.

Though in this case you should be grateful for still having most of your things. You grabbed two bundles of sticks from the surrounding area and placed them on the old, dead, smoking ashes. You used one of the sticks to turn some of the larger ash chunks over to reveal their alive coals. Placing some sticks on the new coals you started to blow on them, trying to fan the flame back to life.

Eventually a small fire started and you placed more sticks on the newly born heat. Sitting back beside Oslo, you began to watch the fire as it engulfed the sticks. You took one of the longer sticks and began prodding at the now blazing inferno.

While you stared aimlessly into the tongues of fire, you started to think about the dream you had last night. Racking through your brain as you tried to figure out if you had seen the strange man from your dream before. For one thing, you knew that if you had seen him before, it wouldn't be a wrong assume that he could have seen you before too. But, ten that made the question of when did you actually see each other.

(Thank all of you for reading!!!  Tell me how this story is doing so far or if I need to fix anything...)

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