A Mountain Climb

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You were awake for a few minutes before Oslo woke up. He lifted his drowsy head off the snowy ground and looked down to find you resting against him. You pat his shoulder while you continued to prod at the flame. He grunted before resting his head beside you. He lazily snorted fog that gently hit your face and ringed up around you.

Laughing a bit you flicked your hand and looked to the east. The sun was just halfway over the tip of the mountain by now. So shoving the rest of your stick into the fire, it quickly consumed it. Standing up, you stretched your limbs and started to gather your things. When you finished packing, you got out an ember casket (a hollowed out yak horn filled with shredded sinew) and scooped up two active embers.

Closing the cap on the ember casket you hooked it onto the side of your waist. Then grabbing a bowl from your bag and you scooped some snow onto the fire. As flames smothered, you watched it die slowly. The sound of sizzling snow and crackling hot embers rose with the heavily clouded smoke/steam. After a while, the fire went out and thin eclipses of smoke was left streaming from the pile of snow and damp sticks.

Once the smoke had mixed itself with the air, you cleaned the remnants of snow from your bowl. As soon as you finished, you put the bowl back in your bag. You closed your bag, you helped Oslo stand. Once he stood, you climbed onto his back and grabbed his antlers gently. The two of you started off toward the mountain again and you helped him steer out of the forest.

As you trotted away from the makeshift camp site, you began to focus on the mountain. When you passed the last tree from you were now on your way up the slope towards the towering peak.

Oslo's breathing soon became heavier, causing him to create a lot of fog. While you slowly ascended the slope the fog floated down onto your face. This soon caused you to start swatting away at the fog. Though you tried with your best efforts to rid yourself of the humid substance, your efforts were useless.

*Smol time skips* Brought to you by Mr. Puffin brand Black Licorice©

The sun was now out from behind the mountain and dripped warm sunlight on you and Oslo. At this point you were almost halfway up the mountain. Meanwhile the urge to get over the top was intensifying. You pulled back gently on Oslo's antlers and brought him to halt.

Slowly easing your feet onto the ground you got ready for your solo climb. You attached your mountain climbing spikes to the toes of your boots, you also retrieved two pickaxes from the front of your bag and latched them to your belt. Among these supplies you took out a long rope to help you climb more securely. You fastening the rope to your waist and connected the other end around Oslo.

Once you secured the rope around Oslo properly, he began to go up the rest of the mountain with you trailing behind him, with you following him quite literally in his footsteps. The rest of the mountain climb was difficult and dangerous. You lost footing multiple times, but you could steady yourself with some help from Oslo. After some more climbing, you both found a sturdy ledge to rest on.

Now able to see your progress, with the valley now fully dressed in the suns rays. It looked like an untouchable beauty just waiting one mis-step out of reach. Now, looking up the rest of the mountain was a different story. From where you sat, you were only 3/4 of the way up the mountain, and a wave of exhaustion swept over you at the realization of this.

After you finished resting for a couple minutes, you and Oslo went back to climbing. The rest of the way was more jagged and difficult than before. Once you saw Oslo stop moving, you looked up at him. To your surprise he was standing on the top of the mountain looking down at you with a glint of laughter in his eye.

Filled with excitement you finished climbing up the rest of the mountain. You pulled yourself up onto the peak beside Oslo. This caused you to inhale sharply from the new accumulated amount of air pressure now around you. At these new heights you could see all angles around the mountain, causing your breath to stall briefly in your chest.

Haha I got you at a cliff hanging spot thingy >:3

I'm glad you guys read this. It makes me HAPPY!!!

BYE-BYE!!! :3

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