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The smell smoke spread into the forest after you. Screams from the village people grew louder as Oslo ran beneath you. Your heart was hammering punching your ribcage with every beat. You could feel eyes staring at you until you made it to the forest.

When you entered the forest you didn't only feel one pair of eyes on you, but you now felt like there were dozens staring at you from all around. While you were looking around frantically Oslo's pace began to slow. Fear started to settle itself back into you as your veins started to feel like they were about to burst.

Soon enough you heard a twig snap from behind you and by now Oslo had stopped moving. Each time he would hear a noise his ears would turn toward it. Your heart sank to your stomach when you heard the faintest sound of fluttering fabric.

You kicked into Oslo's sides and you both sprinted off, but the sound still followed you. But when you came to a small clearing, you had to stop abruptly due to the sound of arrows being drawn. The light from the opening restrained your vision, and figures began to slowly step out from the shadows. Now you could see that you were completely surrounded by men, who were all armed with either bows, spears, or swords.

All of the armed men looked ready to attack you at any moment. So you carefully began to move your hand to your sword's hilt, and quickly made Oslo rear himself backward, allowing you enough time to jump off and unsheath your blade.

The men were startled by Oslo's sudden movement and fired. Their arrows hit Oslo multiple times in the neck, thigh, and side. Oslo collapsed onto the ground. You were automatically filled with grief as you looked upon your wounded friend.

Then the grief you felt died quickly and was immediately replaced with rage. Just then the men with swords lundged at you, and in your rampage you struggled to keep up with most of their blades, but managed to disarm or severely injure most of the men. As you fought a couple of the blades clipped you in the knee, calf, hand,and face, while you were also severely cut in your shoulder, side, and thigh.

You started to feel dizzy as your blood seeped through the newly formed openings in your skin and you fell to the ground. As you tried fighting gravity to stand, your efforts were proved to be pointless. While you were trying to stand, you were losing more of your precious blood.

One of the men walked up to your fallen bleeding form. He swiftly raised his sword, and you slowly lifted your bloodied hand toward him fearing for your life before he slammed his sword's hilt into the back of your head. Making your world turn black..................

My Big Brother NorwayWhere stories live. Discover now