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Warning, there is very mild steam... Prepare yourselves

Your breath catches in your throat as Lucas begins to lean into you. He hovers above your cold and vulnerable form, almost in a protective position as his eyes look longingly into your own. You try to will yourself to move, but your body refuses and shivers at the mere nearness and warmth of Lucas.

Filled with confusing and unfamiliar emotions you were stuck, but more than anything, you were afraid. Lucas was somehow able to notice your dissatisfaction and fear as his eyes search almost hurt for why. With a blink, Lucas leans down, his body still hovering just a hair above you, he pecks your cheek.

Turning his face he nuzzles into the side of your head and gently kissing the lower lobe of your ear. A shiver racks through your nerves while Lucas's semi-chapt lips begin to slowly travel down the curve of your neck. Silent whimpers shake your throat while you fight against the foreign sensations being ever so gently planted on your body.

Heat progresses to flush your cheeks and cause the air in your lungs to grow heavy. Grazing his lips over one of your bandages at the crook of your neck, he kisses the covering with such tenderness your mind becomes fuddled with confusion.

'Why is he doing this?'
The question rolls constantly through your thoughts as Lucas stops kissing your neck. Looking into his eyes, you watch helplessly as he lays his head on top of your chest and finally relaxes his body on top of your own.

Now completely frozen in place, Lucas gingerly weaves his arms beneath you. Then in one swift movement, Lucas now lays beside you and hugs you close to his chest. His heart beat rapid against your ear as his chest seems to heave slightly.

You look at his face curious as to why. His features are mildly twisted in restraint combined with the same longing look from before. He takes notice of your gaze, red heavily dusted his cheeks and ears as he pulled his rich indigo eyes away. His arms pull you a little closer to him while his head is now turns away from your figure.

You dare not to move as your mind screams at you to push him away. Before finally succumbing to the will of your brain, Lucas' chest reverberates as he speaks.

"Please, forgive me..." You felt your face contort in confusion. This man, from what you could derive, was on the verge of ravaging you; but, he stopped himself... The Hell is going on?!

Finally looking down at you, your thoughts must of been pretty clear to read from your face. His face cracked into a small sad smile as faint nervous laughter shakes from his chest.

"I just couldn't resist not doing anything for much longer..." Pausing, Lucas turns away once again, but this time releasing you from his hold. Just now realizing the extreme warmth now mising from your body, the cold took its place. You quickly pulled his fur cloak back over you.

Confusion, irritation and whatever other emotions you were feeling were still being reflected on your features as you watch Lucas warily as he approaches his raised cot.

His cot outfitted in multiple furs, Lucas slumps over as he sits, holding his face in his hands. Lifting his head after a short moment of silence, you were surprised to see remorse and regret shine clearly from his slightly hidden eyes. With a heavy sigh Lucas speaks once more, this time hushed under his breath.

"I've waited for so long, and I've already screwed up..." Shocked by his words, you slowly turn to face Lucas who was now completely avoiding your gaze. His blank and stony expression begins to fall over him like a shield. His head hangs low, with his bangs completely covering his face from view before he speaks again.

"I'm no better than my brother." Quickly, Lucas stands refusing to meet your troubled onlooking eyes. His movements become hasty as he quickly makes his way to the tent's entrance, grabbing his sword on his way out. He stops at the flap, speaking solemnly in a monotone voice.

"I'll send someone for you to bring you to the feast, you can sit with whom you choose if you decide to attend." Ending his words almost curtly, Lucas rushes out of the tent leaving you in a mess of confusion, questions, and a small twinge of pain in your heart.

My Big Brother NorwayWhere stories live. Discover now