A little Thing

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Found this little gem in my drafts sorry if you thought if this was another part of the story, I won't mind at all if you skip this I'll still love you....

I was tagged by the-real-satan
Thank you again for your support and motivation!! :)
Any way back to what I got tagged to do

1) "How did you pick your Wattpad username?"
Well I just got HannaBudder as a combination of my name and the term used by Skydoesminecraft to describe gold ingots in, well, Minecraft. Also I came up with the name during my middle school years with my near and dear friend @SarahGold. She is who basically brought me into writing here on Wattpad. So thank you so much SarahGold, hope life is treating you well.

2) "First book you created on Wattpad?"
Even though the general public can't see it now the very first book I made on wattpad was a Minecraft story with me and my middle school friends and it was titled "How it came to This" and I'll most like make it public again after I edit and revise the whole book thoroughly.

3) "Favorite book you've made on Wattpad?"
I have to say my favorite book that I've made so far is this one to be honest. I would count in my other books but I haven't touched them in a long time because I'm wanting to focus on getting this one done first.

4) "Best Wattpad friends?"
I have to say my friend that I've had since the beginning of my writings hobby here on Wattpad, and they are...
These are either the people that I've met or are my friends outside of this app. Either way they are my constant drive to continue and always try to make my writing better. I thank all of you so much for being there for me, and actually for letting me get to know you.

5) "Best part of Wattpad?"
The freedom of creation. On this app I feel free of restrictions that I feel in the classroom setting. I'm able to express myself through my writing and let others enjoy the stories that I make.

6) "Worst part of Wattpad?"
That I can't ever seem to tear myself away from either reading an amazing book or just trying to finish a chapter. Wattpad is completely and totally captivating.

7) "Favorite inside joke?"
"I fired my gun and I missed, I fired and I fired again but I missed, I missed both times..." GameGrumps
Not sure if that qualifies as an inside joke or not but me and my sis say this at random times just to weird people out. Great thing is that it works.

8) "Favorite author?"
For the longest time that I've been on wattpad I have read great stories. But this author always either floors me or leaves me begging for more, and that author is...
Addabowtie keep up the great work

9) "First Wattpad friend?"
That would be LunaBlossom52 not only is she my friend here on Wattpad but also my best friend in real life. I do not mean to sound like I'm bragging but I feel like we both have a amazing friendship that I treasure with all my heart, and that we have a really deep connection with each other. Thanks for being there when I needed you and I will also in turn be there for you.

10) "Favorite moment?"
I don't really know how to answer this one, sorry \(°*°)/

11) "Final Comments?"
Thank you everyone who reads my stories even though I just make them for fun it great how you all like it. Sorry if I'm not as connective or talkative as other authors but I'm just here to write stories. But if any of you wonderful people would like to talk to me I'll gladly lend an ear. If you do decide to message me through Wattpad I might take a while to respond due to time schedule and availability stuff. Because when I want to have a talk with you guys I don't want to be distracted by something else.

I tag:
@ Sarah-Gold
@ LunaBlossom52 
Anyway thanks again all of you beautiful people for reading. I promise that I'll get back to my updating as soon as I finish this cycle of editing
Bye-BYE :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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