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Boisterous shouts and joyful chanting echo across the island. The noise pierces through the taunt cloth of Lucas' tent.

After Lucas left, you where still in a state of shock. Finally repositioning yourself, you sit upright. Your wounds feel better, freshly cleaned, the pain has relaxed considerably.

You pull the cloak closer around you while the noise outside rises into an applauding rowr. With a breath, you try to focus on calming your nerves. In the peak of your breathing, the events from the past hour rush to your mind. Everything has been so hectic, but in this moment, you feel like you finally have a chance to relax.

Giving yourself the pleasure for only a few minutes, you don't trust the party going on in the camp will stay stationery for much longer. With a sigh, you stand and go to the basket at the back of Lucas's tent.

Rummaging through its contents, you find spare winter clothing. You pull out a tan tunic, thick brown linen pants, a long braided belt of sinew, somewhat worn-grey leather boots, and a pair of thin striped leather bands. Holding your discoveries close, you bring them to Lucas' cot and you drop the articles.

Stealing your nerve, you inhale deeply and hold your breath. In an instant, you drop the warm fur-cloak. All the heat that was keeping you warm escapes, leaving you exposed to the cold open-air in seconds. So you act fast.

First removing the damaged clothes- that now had the usefulness of rags, they are thrown to the floor. Next you whip on the pair of linen pants and the tan tunic. Not sparing a moment, you exhale and take a breath while you shove your feet into the slightly oversized shoes. You bend over- now breathing normally, and stuff the excess of your pants into the boots. After the fit adjusted to your smaller size, you quickly take the leather laces to tie them close to your calves. Finally, you adjust the baggy pants under your tunic and secure these loose articles with the braided belt. Once fastened, you let the extra length of the belt hang, its tip swinging just below your knee.

With a sigh, you reach down and pick-up the previously discarded fur-cloak. Wrapping it around your shoulders, you briefly brush your fingers through your (h/c) hair. Now feeling an albeit small amount of security/comfort, you steal your will and convince yourself to attend the feast going on outside.

Aside from the majority of your instincts telling you to stay in the tent, your stomach's wanton for food trumped all those screaming thoughts. With your hands clasping the cloak shut around you, you turn from Lucas' cot and leave the tent.

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