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(This pic is what the inside of Hildisvíni looks like) and warning for sensitive readers

You stood before the steps of a moderately large log building. Above you hung a wooden sign depicting a carved boar holding a sword in its mouth. Where, underneath it, it read Hildisvíni Bar. Inside, you could hear hollering, laughter, and singing reverberating through the walls. With a breath of apprehension, the back of your throat chilled as you walked into the pub. Once through the doorway, you were bombarded by the bustling scene. 

The whole place was lit by blazing candled antler chandeliers. Long wooden tables filled the room, each fully occupied by burly village men who were either wearing battle armor or huge fur pelts. Each drinking and eating away with their companions. Most, if not all, were indefinitely drunk, while others were belting the epic tale of some local hero. 

Near the counter, you noticed a couple men vehemently arguing over a waitress. Then in the back corner of the pub, a fight broke out between a few of the men, you assumed over the same reason. In a breath, the reek of fermenting sweat, feces, and old blood, with the aroma of alcohol, savory meat, and smoke blended into an oddly disgusting yet semi-comforting scent.

With a shiver you walked further into the pub, stopping briefly at the fireplace. Your gaze fixed on the lapping tongues until an empty goblet flew past, that snapped you out of your trance. You began walking toward the counter. There was a older and sober man behind it tending bar. Once at the counter, you took place a ways from the arguing men and waited to be served. Soon enough the tender at the other side came to you.

"Aigh, lady. What'cha want?"

You pondered a moment ",How 'bout a pint of whatever you got, and... a cut of meat." He nodded and began your order. 

Closing your eyes, you listened to the chaos until you a soft clatter caught your attention. You open your eyes to see a piece of, what you can identify as caribou meat, on a plate with a pint of aquavit beside it (aquavit is a strong alcoholic beverage from Scandinavia, from fermented grain or potato). Placing five coins down you pushed them toward the tender who.

"Thanks, I really needed this today." 

The man nods swiping up the coins as he moves to help other guests. You look down and begin to carve into your meal. As you finished your meat, you slung some drinks down of your aquavit. While you drank you felt a pair of eyes on your back. Though you should've expected as much from walking into a place like this, but you didn't bother to look around.

Half-way done with your drink the doors fly open. The room goes silent and all eyes fall on a man panting in the doorway.

"Vikings!!!...... They're here!!!"

Everyone ran out of the pub taking up their weapons. You chugged the last bit of your drink before you ran out as well. Jumping down the pub steps, you find the streets empty as piercing cries and clashing metal echo off them. With a quick shake, you lose your grasp on logic and run toward the noise. You halt to hide beside the last building separating Kallekot village from the ship yard.

From here you could see village men defending against invading Vikings. From what you could see, some vikings managed to push through the battling hoard. Taking the hint that this fight won't last much longer, you sprint back to the inn. To put it bluntly, you needed to get your shit and get out of there fast!

Skidding a hard right, you fly through the inn door as a blood curdling cry sounds like a blasting horn behind you. Once in your room, you grab your things and run out. You burst from the inn and run down the back alleys toward the stables. Jumping over barrels and heaps of waste, you trip on your landing and stumble onto the main road. Where you can see a storage bank just a short run ahead. Quickly, you make it through the doors where seconds after screams and stampeding feet pass the doors.

Working speedily, you collected supplies for yourself and Oslo. You found plenty of food, a large animal fur, a decent sword, and a saddle bag. You hurriedly draped the animal fur around your shoulders, tied it in place, put food in the saddle bag, hung it across your shoulders, and you strapped the sheathed sword to your belt.

As you were tightening the tie on the sheath, a pair of Vikings boisterously entered the storage bank. You ducked down to their noise and began sneaking toward the convenient back door. Once you swung the door open they noticed you and started their pursuit.

The men hollered after you as you slipped through the door and ran off, your feet slipping briefly on loose gravel. Not shortly after, the doors slam open and two men yell out and chase you. Ducking behind a building you pick up your heavy lain pace. The two Vikings already catching up by the sound of their nearing thunderous gallop. You were at this point running as fast as your legs could carry you. 

The tales you've heard around your village and slight run ins you've had with Vikings were enough to strike fear through your heart. Causing fear and adrenaline to scream through your veins. In the end you think it helped you outrun the pair on your tail, or they just decided to pillage an easier target.

Now in a brief the clear, you wanted to make sure you had less run-ins from hereon-in. Taking a breather behind a bulky building, the screams of women and children filled your ears. With a sharp breath you push yourself forward, running past clangs and screams as you passed buildings and intersections.

Finally finding the stables. You quickly look around. Seeing that you were finally alone, you made a run for it. Flying through the stable door, you managed to make it without being noticed.

Breathing heavily, the odor of fresh hay and manure laced each breath. Tired, you walk up to Oslo's stable to find him sleeping calmly. Slowly opening his stale, you entered and started to wake him up.

Once he Oslo awoke, you heard the stable doors creak open. Causing Oslo to paw anxiously. Quickly, you back yourself up against the wall of Oslo's stable. Trying your best to stay out of sight, while also trying to keep your breathing and pounding heart beat to a minimum. Silently hoping that whoever the person was, would just go away.

Sadly, your wishes were shattered when heavy foot steps padded closer to Oslo's stable. And Oslo began to freak out as the presence neared. Grabbing a hold of your new sword's hilt, you readied to defend yourself. Suddenly the footsteps stopped. Slowly, you shifted yourself to face Oslo's stall door.

Just as you got in arms reach from the door, it flew open revealing a tall blond man holding a large broad iron sword. You both sat there in shock/confusion for a moment. Breaking from that thought you lunged at him with your sword, only to be quickly blocked by his. From there it was a struggle of strength, the two of you were only a few inches from each-other's blades. The male stared you down with stoic blue eyes that carved into you, trying to will you into submission.

Pushing hard against your blade with a grunt, you managed to push him off for a moment. You glared at the man. The boil in your gut pushing you to take another swing, only to have your blade quickly deflected by his. You heaved and swung again, and once again your blade bounced off of his defending one.

He clearly wasn't attacking you at this point. And you were quickly bothered by the fact that he was just staring at you. Confused and somewhat irritated by his actions, you took another swing at him with your blade barely grazing his cheek as he tried dodging your attack. Where, after the center of your blade lodged into one of the stable posts. 

Looking away for a moment to yank your sword loose. You find the blond man to no longer be before you. Standing there dazed for a second, you disregard what has happened and take hold of Oslo, mounting up.

You suppose he ran off to join the rest of the raid, and leaving it at that, you and Oslo ride out of the stables. Following the border wall toward the forest entrance to hopefully leave the village.

As you and Oslo skillfully avoided the current plundering Vikings, you couldn't help wondering who that man was. Although for how briefly you saw him, his features were eerily familiar. His cold eyes and nearly platinum hair striking you the most. But his eyes specifically. Where did you see them before, you wondered. Then it dawned on you. The you were attacking just now man shared features to close to the strange man from your dream.

A shiver ran down your spine as you led Oslo into sprint as you both maneuvered past fleeing villagers and the still open stone gateway. 

Unbeknownst to you, all the while a pair of sharp blue eyes watched you retreat into the foreboding darkness of the bordering forest.

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