The Watching Man

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I watched as she rode off into the forest from the roof of the stable. It pained me to see that she left it to be this way. There was nothing that could've been done to prevent this though. Sighing, I sat myself down.

I've been intrigued by this girl for quiet some time, in fact ever since our first couple of meetings actually. As I waited for my companions to finish the raid on Kallekot Village, I sat on the roof and began to reminisce the first time I met the girl.

It was during one of my regular raids to her village. It started off like any other raid; my companions and I ran out from our landed ships and pillaged the village as we pleased.

But this particular raid was different. I was walking around the village getting an actual look around the place. There wasn't anything off the wall about it, in my eyes it looked rather plain. I kept walking around until one building caught my eye. What intrigued me was how distanced from the rest of the village.

The structure was next to what looked like a barn and expansive pasture. Finally finding something interesting, I went over to explore it.

After approaching the building it turned out to be a pretty decent sized home, fit for a village chief. But seeing the barn and pasture next to this house threw off the presumptuous look it would've had. Walking around the estate for a moment, I heard a loud clang come from the barn, so I snuck toward it to investigate.

Stopping at the door I heard a voice come from inside, whispering loudly.

"Shh!!! Oslo, please be quiet!"

Following the voice's proclamation a few low grunts rumbled response. Finding a hole in the door, I was able to see a girl. She looked to be the same age as me and she was currently struggling with a giant reindeer.

"You know Father doesn't like me being out here during the raids..."

The reindeer looked at the girl pleadingly.

"I know that you don't like being left alone out here by yourself. But you know that Father doesn't want either of us to get hurt while they're here..."

A low grumble came from the reindeer.

"So if you want me to stay out here, you need to try and keep quiet."

The reindeer licked the girl's cheek and she giggled as it settled itself down beside her. The girl sat up against the reindeer and stroked it's neck.

"I would never leave you out here by yourself."

The reindeer cooed softly at the girl before resting it's head close beside her. As the girl pet the reindeer, my gaze became stuck to her.

While I stood there looking through the barn door, I bared my eyes into her. Taking the notes of how her (h/l) (h/c) shined in golden light that filtered through the barn's banisters. The same light gave her (s/c) skin and (e/c) eyes a soft and warm glow.

The longer I stared at the girl, the more infatuated I became with her. I wanted to know her name; I wanted to talk with her, be near her, listen to her voice.

I was now relying on the door frame for support as I peered through the door's hole. But I noticed there was something that seemed different about her.

Sadly I wasn't able to stick around to find out what it was. By the sound of it, my companions had finished their raid on her village. So quite reluctantly I removed my gaze from the girl and began my walk back to our ships. When I got there everyone was loading the ships and getting ready to leave.


Yelled one of my Danish companions. A friend of his snickered and responded loudly.

"He probably was plowing one of the dames here."

At this comment both of the friends and men around them started to laugh, but I continued to walk up to the ships and boarded without showing any sort of response to their comment. Though my mind immediately wondered about the possibility of that scenario. The aroused shock of the girl, the resistance and denial that would shortly lean to animalistic passion, before i could revel long in my fantasy, my thoughts were interrupted.

"Oh come now Mr. Lukas, it was only joke. You don't have to be so flustered about it."

Teased one of my Finnish companions. This caused the whole fleet of men to bust out in laughter. Which made me laugh silently to myself. It looked like all of the ship's were loaded, I decided that it was a good time to head out.


As soon as the command left my mouth, men began scurrying to their oars and the ship's individual helmsmen got everyone on their ship's to push off and row together. Soon all the ships set themselves off shore and started out to sea. As soon as my ears were filled with the creaking and splashing of the oars between the ship and waves I found my thoughts again consumed by the girl.

As soon as my memory faded, I heard hollering coming from under my perch. Finding myself to have been asleep I opened my eyes and saw my companion Geir.


I sprang up from my seat and jumped down from the roof, landing myself right in front of Geir.

"Tell the men to bring her and the reindeer back to the ships with us. Make sure you fix up their wounds. If either of them die both you and your squad will pay."

Nodding, Geir ran off into the woods to find his men. Then without showing any outward expression, excitement flooded over me as I walked back to the ships.

Geir- Old Norse name meaning man who fights with a spear

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