Mountain Night

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Night had fallen quickly on the valley. You and Oslo were still riding toward the mountain by the time the sun set. The air around you started to feel cold and dry by the time sun set had rolled around. Raising your hands to your face, you breathed on them in a weak attempt to warm them. Failing that approach you began to rub them together swiftly creating a some friction between your fingers. When you looked up you saw that you were approaching a small forest that just lay beneath the high slope of the towering mountain.

A faint smile spread across your numb face as you neared the forest. Suddenly a brisk wind blew past you, and sent chills up your spin. Leaning forward into Oslo, you tried to bury yourself in his warm fur.

His fur felt so soft and you remember that you loved the way that it would smelled. You buried your face further into his warm fur and inhaled a bit of his scent. And to your surprise, he smelled like fresh berries and evergreens.

Oslo's scent was soothing as his thick fur and the slow rocking of his footsteps helped you fall asleep.

~time skip brought to you by the fluffy babe Mr. Puffin~

Realizing that the rocking had stopped, you raised your head out of Oslo's fuzz and looked around. You noticed that you were in the forest, you jumped off Oslo's back and landed in the soft snow. Walking up to one of the trees you looked around it and found moss growing on the other side.

Placing your hand in the plant you briefly ran your fingers through its fine curls. Intertwining your fingers in the plant you yanked some of the moss off of the tree. Oslo came up to you and put his giant snout in front of your face.

His damp muzzle touched your cheek and you gently pushed his face away playfully. Wiping off some of the damp moisture that Oslo left on you as you handed him the moss. You felt his tongue glide quickly past some of your exposed fingers when he grabbed the moss with his tongue.

As he finished the moss, you wiped your hands off on your giant caribou skin coat. And you started walking further into the forest with Oslo following close behind. Walking past quite a few trees, it took you a while to find an open area.

Looking around you found some thick sticks scattered everywhere in the opening. Grabbing the bundles of sticks, you moved them into the center of the clearing and made a pile. With some stones you made a sloppy looking circle around the pile of sticks. Searching your coat you saw an old thread that was frayed toward the bottom edge.

Carefully, you pulled out the single thread until it was out of your coat, revealing the new thread that you'd put in a few weeks ago. You grabbed two semi-think sticks and made a cross shape. Squashing the thread up into a tangled ball you placed it underneath the dry stick pile and started to make a fire with the two rubbing sticks.

It was now twilight and the stars were starting to come out from hiding in the dark velvet sky. You and Oslo were laying down by the fire that had just started to form. Thick grey smoke began to rise out of the flames as it consumed more of the sticks.

The air around you was cold and crisp while the fire radiated a comforting heat that warmed it's surroundings including you. You cuddled into Oslo to take in some of his body heat while Oslo did the same to you.

Soon enough, your eyes began to feel heavy and you up looked into the sky. Before you knew it, your eyes closed with your last view being the sparkling stars in the sky. Smiling to yourself, you began to drift off while the warmth from the fire flooded over your resting body. When sleep fully settled in, it ushered in a comfortable and rather welcoming darkness.

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