A New Face

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(The birds aren't in the story and the waves are more stagnant)

The creaks and moans of wooden planks groan beneath you. The lapping waves splash around where you sit causing your senses to awaken. You are greeted by the strong aroma of sea salt and musk. Opening your eyes, you find yourself sitting in the bow of a viking ship.

Oddly though you weren't bound in chains or rope, but bandages- poorly tended ones at that. You looked down at one covering your hand, gently rubbing it. A sting of pain shoots through your hand and up your arm.

Looking around, you could see the expansive ocean ahead, while Kallekot's port shrunk behind you. A sudden wave of anxiety and realization ripple through you. Is Oslo still alive? Was he left behind? What are they going to do to me?
These thoughts churn in your head, an uneasy yet nerve falls over you. Since these vikings have made it obvious that they want to keep you alive, for reasons unknown, maybe there's a chance that Oslo's alive as well.

Still feeling rather concerned, you turn your head back to the bow of the ship. Your attention quickly turning toward the waves. Soon enough, your focus becomes transfixed as they roll by.

You momentarily tap out long enough not to notice a new presence standing by you. A low rumbling voice shakes you from your daze. The voice comes from a man who is bracing himself against the ship's decorated prow.

The man beside you looked just like any other Viking, although what caught your eye was his electronic blue eyes. The man looked to where you sat and caught you staring.

"Hehe, like want yah see darlin'."

The man's statement surprises you. Feeling embarrassed, you turn your gaze back out to the sea.

"Aw, now you're goin' off an' hurtin' my feelin's; I was only teasin' yah." Gingerly turning your head back to the man, you saw him smiling down at you.

"The name's Mathias" the man stated proudly. Giving him a small smile in return you turn your head back to the waves. Mathias sighed heavily beside you before he speaking again.

"I know that yah don't trust me, but just, hear me out on this... We didn't mean to scratch yah up so badly back there, we wasn't tryin' to be that rough with yah." A moment of tense silence passed between the two of you before Mattias exhaled heavily.

"Anyway, we're not far off from where we're headin'..." Mattias slowly turns and walks away from the prow, but stopped short. He turns back to you and speaks again
",Nice talkin' with yah."

With that Mathias walks back to the stern of the ship where he returns to navigate the crew of 30 to 36 men.

You were again left alone in the bow of the ship. The lapping waves calling out for you to listen to their soothing lullaby.

Getting comfortable, you look up and see the gaping mouth of the dragon peering down at you. You shake the unease from your nerves and close your eyes. Soon, the gentle swaying of the ship began to rock you to sleep. The sweeping waves past the hull cooed as you fell into a silent slumber.

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