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For once I wanna be
That girl who haunts your thoughts
At silent, lonely nights
At loud, cool mornings
For once I want to be that girl
You think about when you're looking at her
For once I want to be the unhealed scar
You hide in the back of your mind
For once I don't want to be an option
But one of the things you can't erase
Like ink on paper
And forever I'll linger
For once I want to be that opportunity
You regret you didn't take
The possibility you left hanging
The loose ends of the plot
For once I want my name
To bring chills down your spine
And cold sweat on your temples
For once I want you to hear other people
And remember my voice
For once I want you to be empty inside
Because you don't have me in your arms
And for once I want you to defy spaces
Just so you can hold my hands

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