never again

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Part of me cries still
But not for the same childish yearning
Rather for the lost flowers
Once growing on my heart
He replaced with needles
I promised myself
Certain and solid
Never again
Every now and then I forget
Hypnotized by the softness of your voice
I can't see the lane
Where we stop being actors
And start being humans
Tempted to give you a tour inside
The way I did with him
I've spent all this time focusing on the difference
However I remember him
Everytime you leave
Everytime I think of the possibilities
Lingering in the dark
And I step on the breaks for the cliff looming ahead
Never again
Why wonder where pretend ends
When it doesn't matter at all
Why think of you
When you don't think of me
Why love
When you don't get love in return
Why die for someone
When they'd push you off the ledge
To save themselves
So never again
Even though I feel like a moth
Coming closer to a beam of light
Fire tempting me to get closer
For I know how it ends
Once I get near enough
My wings will catch on fire
And I will fall on the cold wood floor
Alone and empty
And you wouldn't care
Just like how he didn't
Once again I'll be on my own to pick up the pieces
While you'll continue burning
Attracting every poor passerby
Which will come your way
Never again.

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