kissed like lovers

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You said that's what we are,
After we've kissed like lovers,
And talked like the constellations aligned,
Just for our paths to cross;
But we both know to ourselves we aren't,
Neither friends nor lovers,
However, both liars;
You say you're afraid,
But not afraid enough to avoid leaving a dent in my mind;
Not afraid enough,
To corrupt each cell in my body,
To yearn for your presence;
You say you're afraid,
Do you think I'm not?
I've been here before,
My eyes still stinging from yesterday,
Of crying over someone,
Who didn't cry about me;
I've wanted to let you in so many times;
Cut off a piece of my flesh,
And show you the fresh wounds;
But everytime I'm reminded,
I'm clueless where the act ends,
If the kiss was for our affinity or intensity;
I'll follow a mirage again,
Walk to the edge of a cliff,
And when I'm not looking you'll push me;
In the end I'll be where I started,
Scarred and wounded,
And you'll watch by the edge and leave;
I don't know why I keep begging people for romance;
Even though it's only a dalliance;
Taking a leap even though I know no one will be at the bottom to catch me;
You say you'll save me,
But don't plant seeds,
You can't water forever;
You weren't the first person to lie to me,
And you wouldn't be the last;
Yes let's be friends;
A name to avoid consequences,
A name to justify our cowardice to fall in love;
When we fade we'll wake up to the past,
Before the universe made us collide;
But for now the fire is burning,
And our words are logs;
Enjoy while the flames last,
For nothing is forever,
Not even embers.

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