twilight and dawn

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Everytime you leave
My mind wanders back to the twilight
Watching the sun fade on my ceiling
Music whispering through my ears
Fighting the ghost of his voice from taking over
The ache in my bones when I wondered why I was a secret
The boulder on my chest when I held onto the tiniest bit of affection

Everytime you laugh
I remember the butterflies once alive in my stomach
Now turned to bees stinging my insides
His remnants eating me alive
It's a lifetime ago
A galaxy away
But he's there in your cruel honesty
Dancing around in your sharp tongue
Lingering in the way you kiss me
Held so close yet so far

Everytime you ask what's wrong
I recall the nights he did
And my eagerness to tell
And the pain when he didn't
And the void it left in my heart
Part of me dies to say things
Like a child deprived of attention
But I bite back my tongue
He pretended he cared
And you do too

Because you'll leave like he did
You'll bury me alive like he did
Forget me for your juliet like he did
I pretended I couldn't see
Pretended the end of the knife hasn't pierced through my lungs
It was too late to run
I already gave everything to the fire
And even until now I regret it
For I had nothing left

Perhaps you and him are the same
The twilight ceilings have turned to pitch black rooms
Dusk clouds switched to dawn sun
Voice messages became three hour phone calls
Apathy has changed to insensitivity
But I know one thing for sure
I gave him everything
And I'm not going to do the same thing for you
For I can only make the mistake once
Of trusting different faces but same souls
Kissing different lips but crying the same woes.

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