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To the sister I didn't share blood with;
To the person who took my heart,
When no one else would;
Even though her heart,
Has been beaten by asteroids as well;
Everything's going to be okay,
You and I both know;
The ocean of death seems tempting to dive into;
The waves washing over our feet for a taste;
Piles of rubbish scattered across the lands behind us;
But the trees toppled by the previous storms,
Gave us enough wood to make a boat;
And with our pain we made something beautiful;
Something we didn't expect but needed;
We sailed across the ocean through dusk and dawn,
In the hopes of finding a place where trees still stood tall;
Holding onto each other when the waves tried to destroy us;
The current of the water dragged us along,
Stealing our paddles when it began to rain;
Right there we realized,
Everywhere was water;
The endless shades of blues,
Luring us to get closer;
It's easier to jump,
Than to keep going;
We were both tired,
Torn by the storms from top to toe,;
And somehow we both wondered,
Will we ever make it out alive?
We can't see the next island;
No traces of it — only in dreams,
When we cried ourselves to sleep;
Hope is being drowned out by the sound of water;
And you told me you wanted to jump in;
Echoing the past when we stood by the shore;
And you looked lustfully at the waves;
You didn't then despite your rage,
So why would you now when it's all sage?
You said you didn't,
For drowning was way too easy;
You were up for the challenge of walking the lands,
Instead of escaping it;
I must admit I've had it too,
Striding too close the edge,
And tumbling back when the waves got too thick;
I'll never be as brave as you;
Never be as kind as you;
But I'll always sit by your side,
Even if the water is trying to take you away;
I'll hold on and pull you back;
With the same words you've told me,
When I was the one who wanted to jump;
We'll sit by this boat,
Hand in hand,
We seem stuck but we're going somewhere;
That island is close I know it;
When we get there you'll get down first;
Breathe the first blow of fresh air;
Away from the fiery heat of the last land;
There we can part for I know you'll be happy;
This time you'll build a house instead of a boat;
Where you can be safe away from the ocean;
And I'll forever remember our journey together;
Of escaping the water when it's the only thing in front of us;
Right now it's still a fantasy;
The skies are red again tonight;
Just like the veins in your tired eyes;
Let's keep sailing and dream of the mirage;
We're closer today than we were yesterday;
And that's the only thing we need,
To know everything is going to be alright.

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