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Every color is the effect of a specific wavelength. Black is not a color; a black object absorbs all the colors of the visible spectrum and reflects none of them to the eyes.


Black isn't a color
Rather the lack of it
Sucking in each hue in the spectrum
But never reflecting back
Just like how fear exists in my mind
Nobody sees, nobody cares
Absorbed but never reflected
For I never want to be a rainbow
In someone's else's storm again
So instead I'm the vast night skies
The natural state of the universe
Constant and unchanging
Light is trapped inside me
Light you'll never see again.


The following is a collection of poems I've written about a multitude of topics; mainly regarding friendships, confusion, depression and the painstaking, repeated subject of heartbreak I just can't seem to run away from. Unlike Dalliance, this entire collection is not dedicated to anyone in particular, nevertheless, I have written some pieces about specific people who have managed to make a dent in both my mind, and life.

I don't know if they'll read this, or if they even care, but if they managed to put it that much effort to find it, then here we are. I used to ramble on about my feelings to everyone everytime given the chance, even when other people didn't really care, delighted that someone would be willing to listen even with the tiniest bit of enthusiasm. Because no one has ever been concerned. And then I realized, my emotions are what makes me. When I gave all of it away to someone who couldn't hold them, I had absolutely nothing left.

I've learned my lesson to keep it in. Safe away from apathy and more hurt. Nonetheless, I will never learn to hide it away from my writing. I may not talk about things I don't want to talk about, however, I will always write about them, for writing has always been my way of expressing myself and my thoughts. This is the only way I know how to say things without the fear of judgement and pain. This is the only way I know how.

With that said, I hope you enjoy.

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