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We never knew tears
Could ever build boats
We never knew pain
Could ever make us paddles
On our own we couldn’t float
But together we made ourselves soar
Your hand in mine
It felt like we could see through time
And I love you more than anything
More than I thought I loved stars
So far yet so near
We sailed through seas
Day and night
Facing dawn tired-eyed
Meeting dusk wide eyed
We watched comets cut through the skies
Our blood the same shade of red
As it dripped from wounds
We were never enough to the shadows
But we were enough for each other
Our boat was the strongest one of them all
For it was made of sorrow
Although I hid fear in the back of my mind
Everything good has an end
Even if we share the same scars
One day we’ll find an island
And forever we’ll part
I just didn’t know it would happen this soon
When at the blink of an eye you’ve been swept
Pulled away from my fingers
By the comet we’ve always dreamed of
And I watched you fly away
Mesmerized by its light
The comet is bright
But your smile is brighter as you reached the skies
I stand alone on the boat we made together
Witnessing you fade to the brightness of day
I was too busy marvelling
To realize the cracks spreading in my heart
I hope you don’t fall back
For it would hurt more 
To see you return with the same old sorrow
Than see you dwindle into the sun
A promise we made 
To ourselves and each other
One day I’ll reach the heavens too
And we'll find one another.

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