Touch It Softly

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touch it softly • gn!reader (with long-ish hair)
When you invite Din to play with your hair, you both get a little more than lost in the moment.


Din Djarin's good at a lot of things, but staring subtly at you is not one of them.

You bite back a smile as you work your brush through your hair, practically feeling his gaze burning through your back. The Crest hums gently as you travel through hyperspace, the hull as quiet as ever aside from the sounds of your hair passing through the bristles of the brush. You and Din have been sitting in this soothing silence ever since you got the baby to sleep, enjoying some peace and quiet as you travel to your next destination. You're both sitting on the floor of the hull, with you both having just freshened up for the night—leaving Din helmetless and completely susceptible to being caught staring.

You finally pause your brushing to turn and look at him. Din tries to look away, even whistling a bit as his hands start to work at cleaning his blaster again. You giggle, raising an eyebrow as you turn your body around to face him more directly. Din lets his gaze look up at your movement, keeping his head tilted down as he furrows his brow.

"What?" Din questions, evidently still trying to act innocent.

You shake your head and laugh softly. "I should be asking you that," you retort.

Din sighs, his gaze falling to his work again as he continues in almost a nervous manner. "I don't know what you're talking about."

You smile, tilting your head at him as you play with the brush in your hands. "You were staring again."

Din raises an eyebrow, despite the way he's still staring at his very polished blaster. "Was I, cyar'ika?" You hum to confirm his words, causing him to click his tongue as he finally pauses his cleaning again to look up at you. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you... uncomfortable."

"I never said you did," you insist, raising your brow as you wave the brush in your hand. "But if you wanted to brush my hair, all you had to do was ask."

Din's gaze instantly lights up at that, although you can tell he's trying to keep himself composed on the outside. He's always been enamored with every part of you, but as your hair's gotten longer thanks to your extended time spent jumping from planet-to-planet with no good opportunity to get it cut shorter, you've noticed that he's started to grow quite fond of your locks. "I can—uh, I can do that, if you want," Din agrees, his attempt to keep his eagerness to a minimum failing greatly. You chuckle, waving him over as he sets his blaster and cloth aside. Din scoots himself closer to you until he's sitting right behind you, accepting the brush that you hand to him as he hesitates for a moment. "I don't... want to hurt you, cyar'ika."

"You won't," you assure him, turning to look at him over your shoulder for a moment. "I've got a tough scalp."

Din chuckles at that, nodding once before you turn back around to face forward. You can feel one of Din's hands softly taking your hair in his grasp, the other gently beginning to run the brush through it. Your eyelids flutter closed at the sensation, a series of pleasant shivers running from the top of your head to the tips of your toes as Din brushes your hair slowly and softly. With each stroke of the brush and of his hand over your hair, you can feel yourself relaxing more and more, your stomach filling with butterflies at one particular moment when Din leans close to place a gentle kiss on the crown of your head. "How beautiful," Din muses half to himself and half to you when he continues brushing, making your face warm up as you bite back another smile.

He continues brushing for many minutes, his free hand either resting gently against the crown of your head or taking the ends of your hair gently in his grasp as he does so. You're still lost in his trance, your eyes remaining closed as you find yourself humming at times with delight. Din eventually pushes some of your locks to the side, pressing butterfly kisses to the nape of your neck before he speaks again.

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