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After the child is reunited with his people, Din takes you to a place that's unfamiliar to you but all too familiar to him: his home.


Wincing a bit, you look around the ship you now call home as you strain your ears for the sound you've come to hate the most: silence.

The Razor Crest is the quietest it's been ever since you first boarded. For many moons, you've been a part of the Crest's crew, helping to watch over and protect the child alongside Din. Now that the child's been returned to his rightful home, things are much calmer, much more different, and much—much—quieter.

Din hasn't said a single word ever since you'd left the child with his people. It's not unusual for him to be quiet; you've been in a relationship for him for almost as long as you've been in his crew, and you've come to know him and his tendencies well. But the eerie silence that fills the Crest is uncharacteristic, even for him. You'd at least expected Din to outlet some of his emotions to you. Without getting to see his face, it makes things harder than ever for you to properly comfort him. You don't want to pry it out of him—with emotions this strong, you never know how he could snap—but you feel concerned as to why he won't speak.

In fact, as you make your way up to the cockpit and see the blue lights of hyperspace outside, you wonder where he's even taking you right now.

You haven't discussed where you're going from here. Ever since that eventful day on Nevarro, your sole mission has been to find the child's home. Now that you've done exactly that, you have no idea what's next. You know that Din doesn't want to be a bounty hunter anymore and you aren't exactly keen on returning to your old job as a New Republic guard in the Bomoth trading post. Your mind has been running wild trying to imagine what you can do with Din now, and it's almost killing you to find out if he's been wondering the same thing.

Slowly, you sink into the chair just beside Din's, never taking your eyes off him as he stares ahead into hyperspace. All you can see is the blue light reflecting off his beskar, his visor hidden from you as his right pauldron and the back of his helmet face you. You're not sure if he even knows you're there.

"Hey, how're you doing?" The question falls softly from your lips, as if a louder volume would frighten him.

You wield no response for a long moment. Then, with a swift movement of his hands along the controls, you finally hear something. "Managing." His modulated voice is flat, void of emotion. It doesn't help you figure out what's going through his mind right now.

"It's been so quiet without the little womp-..." you trail off mid-sentence when the Crest suddenly jumps out of hyperspace, a desert-like planet coming into view. Your eyes widen slightly as you rise from your chair, walking behind Din's and resting your hands on the back of it. "Where are we, Din?"

Din once again remains silent, only bringing the Crest into the atmosphere of the mysterious planet and preparing it for landing. You hold tight to his chair as he does so, knowing you're breaking his rule of always being secured in a chair for landing but not caring—and he doesn't seem to, either, since he makes no objection to it. Din only starts to ease the Crest down onto the sandy terrain when a cluster of ruins comes into view. Your brow wrinkles together as you spot what looks to have once been a small city now destroyed by a vicious attack.

Still, nothing passes through Din's modulator as he turns off the Crest and rises from his chair, walking past you to head down to the hull. You would be angry with his behavior if you weren't so concerned, quickly following after him as you watch him open the hatch. He doesn't pick up a single weapon, only keeping his blaster that's always in his holster. You follow him down the ramp, and Din finally stops once he's standing just in front of what must've been the entrance to the small city.

𝐜𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐞'𝐬𝐞 - 𝘥𝘪𝘯 𝘥𝘫𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now