Everything I Wanted

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everything i wanted • fem!reader
You're trapped inside a Din x Omera love triangle, struggling to get to your lover who's entranced with your new host.


This planet is supposed to be your shelter, your safe place. You and Din had decided that you needed somewhere to hide out for a while, to lay low with the child so you could form a better plan—or at least see how long you could make it without having to deal with another bounty hunter.

Instead, it's quickly become your new torture chamber.

It shouldn't be this way. You shouldn't be isolating yourself inside the hut these villagers kindly offered to the both of you, thinking only of what could be going on outside of it. And you definitely shouldn't be wishing that Din would be inside with you, holding you until all of your anxieties melt away. That's just not how things are supposed to work. You're bounty hunters, and he's one with a restrictive Creed—one who's more entitled than anyone to pick and choose his own affections.

It all began with the child. You first saw the Mandalorian when he and a bounty droid were taking out an entire group of people, who for some reason had this bounty you were seeking enclosed inside a storehouse. You helped them finish the work and ended up making a deal with them to split a third of the reward. That changed, however, when you laid your eyes upon the bounty—the child. Neither you nor Din had the faith to kill it, but the droid wanted to, and it ended up dead at Din's hand when it attempted to. You decided you'd bring it back alive for half the reward, and that's when the true journey began.

You were there when the Razor Crest was being plundered by Jawas. You were there when Din tried to fight and ended up sprawled out on a rock after falling from their crawling fortress. And Din was there when you'd retreated to your ship, only to find out that it'd been picked at by some scavengers, where you wouldn't have the slightest chance at getting your parts back. After Din brought you to his Ugnaught acquaintance, you waited agonizingly as he fought a mudhorn, and you helped him tend to his wounds after the gruesome fight. By the time you were up and running in the Razor Crest, you were an established member of his crew, a new partner in his bounty hunting endeavors.

Which, evidently, didn't last long.

You both were swallowed up by too much guilt to let the kid sit in that Imperial safehouse for longer than a few hours. You'd let Din take the entire reward to replace his armor—you would've felt sick if you'd taken any of it, and he needed it more than you did—and then before you knew it, you'd both broken into the safehouse and gotten the child back to the Crest, with the aid of the other Mandalorians.

Ever since, you've been planet jumping for supplies and for quick walks, trying to keep yourselves sane as you decide where the hell you're supposed to go from here. You've had a few close calls on some planets, having to take out a bounty hunter or two, and those experiences alone have taught you both that you need somewhere safe to hide out on.

That's where Sorgan came in. Din found the planet on his map, and he told you all about how isolated it was—a perfect place for the three of you to go. You'd landed with optimism, just to have it diminished by your surprise meeting with Cara Dune. Thankfully, just as you were preparing to leave, you were approached by the farmers who requested your help taking out a group of raiders in exchange for lodging. You took Cara with you as you journeyed to their quaint little village, where you are now.

Somewhere along the way, you managed to develop feelings for Din—strong ones.

You tried to blame him more so than yourself. He's evidently been starved of any kind of companionship for a long time, and as soon as he knew he could trust you, he stuck to you like a magnet. You were surprised the day he told you about his past, even going as far as disclosing his real name to you. Your past wasn't ever as difficult as his, so you were extremely surprised that he'd told you so much. It was inevitable then that you'd grow close, very close, and thus your heart started to beat to his rhythm as that attachment only grew.

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