Cozy in the Cockpit

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cozy in the cockpit • gn!reader
After the Crest suffers through an intense chase and crash, you and Din must figure out how to survive on a freezing planet—your low odds causing your mutual feelings to come to the surface.


Everything that happened before the crash is a little fuzzy to Din—but nevertheless, he still remembers it all.

Din remembers the panic you'd been trying to hide when he first steered you away from the x-wings, holding tightly to the walls of the Crest as he maneuvered it in every way he could to lose them. While his main concern had been to get away, he also knows he'd been thinking of how to make sure he didn't hurt you or the baby in the process, trying to keep the Crest as steady as possible even when he moved the vessel around in wild ways. Your suppressed gasps had made his panic in the situation rise—though he'd controlled it as best as he could.

And then, just when he thought he'd kept the three of you safe, it all went wrong.

You thought it was all right when you stood up from your place in the co-pilot's seat, somehow keeping your composure even in the aftermath of the tense chase. "I'm going to check up on the baby," you'd told Din and he'd just nodded, still breathless from his efforts. It was after you left the cockpit and Din reached for a few buttons that the Crest groaned and bucked underneath him, slowly sinking more and more until all of a sudden it was free-falling—and then all Din saw was black when he collided with the control panel.

Now, he's coming to, releasing a low groan from his modulator as he tries to sit up. Din realizes he has to put more effort in as his armor's practically frozen to the dashboard. When he breaks free, he looks around, his panic returning to him quickly as he reaches for a few of the Crest's buttons. None of them are working. The ship is completely down.

But Din's true panic sets in when he turns in his chair and doesn't see you—and he remembers everything that'd happened before.

"No," Din murmurs under his breath, standing up from his chair quickly no matter how much his frozen body tries to protest at the action. "No no no!"

Din's quick to hop down the ladder and land in the hull, and all it takes is one look for his stomach to twist up into a sickening knot. There's a gaping hole in the side of the Crest that's letting in cold air, covering the thrown-about items of the hull in icy snow. Everything's in disarray, and worst of all for Din, you and the baby are nowhere in sight.

"Damn it," Din mutters, forcing himself to stay calm somehow as he starts to search through the wreckage. He would call out your name if his throat allowed him such a luxury, but it remains tight as he steps around and starts to lift blankets and boxes. Din gets his first clue when he hears the baby's whimpering from nearby, and he hurries towards the sound to lift an old cape of his and find the baby sitting there with his eyes doubled in size and full of worry. "It's all right, ad'ika," Din reassures him, regardless of the fact his throat is barely letting him make the sounds. He picks up the baby and tucks him into his elbow.

The baby coos worriedly at Din again as his little hands point towards a lump that's covered by a blanket near the tear in the hull's wall. Din realizes that the baby hasn't been trying to show his worry for himself, but for you. He tries not to be shaky in his eagerness to find you, dodging any items that obstruct his path as he makes his way over to the blanket. Din sets the baby down onto the floor as he pulls the blanket off your form, his jaw tightening when he's immediately met with your trembling body.

You're the healer, yet here you are, laying in front of him and looking so broken. And it's his fault.

Din grimaces—especially when he looks closer and realizes that there's a box trapping your arm to the floor of the hull. He doesn't hesitate to shove it to the side, grunting a bit thanks to its heavy weight. He knows that can't be good for you and he prays to the Maker that it hasn't hurt you in any way. But any of his previous thoughts dissipate the moment he sees your eyelids flutter open, looking at him with such desperation Din thinks he might just do every damn thing in the galaxy to keep you safe.

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