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reverence • fem!reader
Following the birth of your daughter, Din spends a night marveling at the little life and the way you provide for her.


As soon as you hear the loud roll of thunder, your eyes fly open, staring into the darkness that engulfs your bedroom. You instantly relax upon realizing it's just a storm. You'd never been a light sleeper before, but after years of traveling with Din and running from the Empire, you'd learned to be ready for anything—especially in the middle of the night.

You let out a soft sigh as you move yourself further back on the bed, seeking Din's warmth and comfort to ease you back to sleep. Instead, you feel nothing, your eyes going wide as you turn on your side quickly. Din's nowhere to be found, the blankets on his side of the bed instead tucked neatly in place as if he was never lying there in the first place. You sit up and realize he's also draped an extra layer over you: one of his capes, in true fashion of your old days spent running around in the Crest.

You bite back a smile and shake your head, instantly knowing where he's gone. It's no secret that Din will take every opportunity he has to spend time with your three-month-old daughter, especially in the middle of the night. He's never been a good sleeper, so he's always trying to step up whenever it's time to care for her, wanting you to get the rest you need. When you climb out from under the covers and start to make your way to the nursery yourself, you can already hear his gentle rasp floating from the room, making your heart soften even more as you stop at the doorway and view the scene.

Your daughter's being rather fussy—which is quite a surprise, since she's always adored and been soothed by her father—but you can tell Din's crediting it to the storm that rages outside as he rocks her softly in the chair he'd made. "Shhh, Ka'ra," Din's voice coos to her, one of his hands cradling her head as the other secures her tiny form against him. His thumb rubs gently against her forehead as leans down to leave a soft kiss on her nose. "Ni olar, ner ad'ika. Ni ven'tayli gar morut'yc." I'm here, my little one. I'll keep you safe.

Still, Ka'ra fusses, her eyes—perfectly mirroring Din's own—glittering with tears waiting to be cried as she stares up at him. Din makes a face of sympathy as he looks down at her.

"I know, verd'ika, it's loud out there. Ni kar'tayl." I know. He presses a gentle kiss to her forehead this time. "But it won't hurt you. I won't let it." Din nestles her head upon his shoulder, hoping it'll help her as he continues to rock them back and forth. "I'll never let anything hurt you, Ka'ra."

Your smile is wide as you continue leaning against the doorway, content that Din hasn't noticed you yet as he completely absorbs himself in your daughter. Ka'ra, however, is still not pleased, and she releases a cry louder than the rest as Din immediately begins to shush her again in a soft voice.

"Cuy shev'la, ner ad'ika. Gar buir nuhoy." Be quiet, my little one. Your mother is asleep. You clutch your chest upon Din thinking of you, always wanting to make sure you're cared for first and foremost no matter what. You're also so endeared by the way he speaks in the tongue of his people to your daughter. He's taught you what he can of it, though you're still not fluent, and you know he's going to raise your daughter to be just as fluent as himself—and you couldn't be happier about it. "It's all right, Ka'ra. It's all right."

Yet, Din's words don't seem to reach her, as Ka'ra lets out another cry that makes Din's face wrinkle with concern as he pulls her even closer.

"Me'bana?" What's happened? Din questions, rocking Ka'ra even more as he presses his nose against hers. "Why are you so distressed, verd'ika?"

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