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torrent • gn!reader
When one of Din's worst fears is revealed, you're left to do whatever you can to put him at ease.


You never understood why Din avoided humid planets until tonight.

The three of you had been finishing up a supply run in the marketplace when Din gently yet urgently grabbed your arm. The action—unusual except in the face of a major threat—had immediately caught your attention, making you put down the bacta cream you were inspecting as you met his visor. Din had gestured towards the approaching dark clouds, his voice strained when he told you it was time to go. You made the final purchase you needed to, though Din was shifting his weight the whole time. As soon as you were ready, Din was walking faster than ever back to the Crest.

The downpour started as soon as you got to the ship. Grogu was cooing from his place inside the satchel across Din's body as Din's quick movements up the hatch caused him to bounce back-and-forth. You almost said something about the way the little one was being handled, but decided against it when you watched how urgently Din continued to move. He didn't say anything as he set Grogu down and tore the satchel off, leaping his way up the ladder to the cockpit. You and Grogu had exchanged concerned glances before you picked him up and followed Din.

When you got to the cockpit, you were able to see just how bad the storm was. The rain was coming down so hard that you could barely see the surrounding trees of the clearing. Lightning flashed in the distance—though the thunder was still far enough away to be nothing but a gentle rumble. Still, Din's gloved hands flew over the controls, as if he was still planning on getting you off the planet. You were about to say something when Din stopped himself, his helmet freezing in place as he looked out at the storm again.

"Looks like we're staying the night," Din had announced. Though you were satisfied with his words, his modulated tone had unsettled you. It sounded weaker than usual, as if he had to force the words through his throat. You attributed it to his frustration upon having to stay in one place for too long.

But now, much too long after you offered to put the new supplies away and get Grogu to sleep, you're certain that there's more to it than you previously thought.

You haven't seen Din ever since you left the cockpit. He's stayed somewhere above your place in the hull, not making so much as a single sound as the storm gets stronger. The crashes of thunder are so loud they make vibrations run through the Crest and the rain pelts down so hard they sound like blaster bolts hitting the metal surface of the ship. You try to keep your worries for Din pushed down as you focus on Grogu, who's been acting uneasy ever since the storm got worse. You've been rocking him back and forth to calm him, but Grogu's been reaching out of your arms, fixed upon climbing the ladder to the cockpit.

"I know the storm is scary," you coo to the little one as he once again wriggles in an attempt to get out of your arms, "and I know you want your father. But... I don't think we should bother him right now."

Grogu stops fighting you at your words, instead cooing sadly as his ears droop on his head. He points to the ladder, showing an emotion that doesn't quite match distress. Finally, you realize what Grogu's been trying to tell you all along: he's worried about the storm—he's worried about Din.

You sigh, looking at the ladder yourself with a grimace. "I know. I'm worried about him, too."

Grogu coos and points to the ladder again. Instead of fighting your hold on him, he pats your shoulder, as if he's asking you to go up there yourself. You ponder his request, feeling your concern for Din grow more as you finally nod at Grogu.

"All right, Grogu. I'll check up on him." You furrow your brow at Grogu as you walk towards Din's open compartment. "So long as you promise to go to sleep."

𝐜𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐞'𝐬𝐞 - 𝘥𝘪𝘯 𝘥𝘫𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now