Eleven// The  plan

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{Harry's POV}

Walked into school Monday morning with a smile on my face, I haven't felt this happy in a while. I make my way over to Louis and Niall looking like they're deep in conversation, Niall walks away as I begin to approach.
"Hey Lou!" I greet
"Hazza!" He grins at me and gives me a tight hug.
"Come on, class is going to start soon." He stated taking my hand and leading me to our classroom. Not gonna lie, I felt sparks.
{Louis's POV}

I took Harry's hand so we could get to class on time, and I felt electricity shoot up and down my arm.
We head in through the door and take our seats in the back along with Niall and Liam, both were a blushing mess. If I was gonna guess I'd say they like each other, it's cute. Niall looked at me and Harry's  joined hands and gives me a knowing smirk, in return I wink and gesture towards Liam making him blush. I love messing with him.

—skip time—

We were eating our lunch when Zayn ran up to us with a huge smile plastered on his face. "Guys! You won't believe what happened! I talked to Prerri and asked her to hang out and she said yes!" Prerri was a girl in my art class and Zayn had a huge crush on her. "That's great mate!" I congratulated
" I know right! I can't wait to see her. I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend." he announced and we all cheered.

"Wait. But you just started hanging out with her, isn't that a little too soon?" Liam spoke up
Zayn just shrugged and said: "When you know, you know." and he was right. And I know for sure that Niall and Liam are meant to be.
I'm gonna get them together, and Harry and Zayn are gonna help.
{Zayn's POV}

After school Harry and I were at my locker talking about random shit when Louis walks over.
"Guys, I have a plan." Harry and I look at each other than back at Louis. "Okay, here's the thing. One of our friends likes the other I happen to know who those friends are." Harry tenses up next to me while I quickly glance at him and back nervously hoping it wasn't noticeable.
Shit! Louis knows about Harry? How!?
"What r-really w-who?" I stutter

"Don't act dumb it's so obvious." Oh god... there was a long moment of silence before Louis speaks up again. "Come guys, don't act like you haven't seen the way Liam and Niall look at each other."
I let out a sigh of relief. That was intense.(for me and haz)
"Anyway." Louis continues "I have a plan to get them together, but I'm gonna need your guys help."
Great. Now I have to get Niall and Liam and Louis and Harry together!?

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