Eight// Day at the fair

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{Louis's POV}

We arrive into town from Harry's house. I take in my surroundings noticing that the the fair was in town.
" Hey guys, I think I might have an idea on what we could do today." I say with a smile. " Oh yeah, and what's that?" Zayn asked " The fair that's in town, look." I point the fair on the left side of the road.
" Hell yes!" Niall cheered happily.
We pull into the parking lot jumping out right away, pay for our tickets at the front stand and entered the crowded area filled with laughing children and cheesy lovey dovey couples every where.
" I'm gonna get some drinks and food. What does everyone want?" I ask my friends
" I'll take a sprite and pepperoni pizza."
" A burger with a small Dr. Pepper."
" Do they have any elephant ears? Because if they do I'll have one of those, and I'll have water."
" I'll have Hawaiian pizza with a coke." After I wrote everything down I went over to the line and waited for my turn.

{Harry's POV}

Louis had just went to the line to take our orders and I couldn't stop myself from looking at his bum while he did. What is with me? This is a whole new level of weird even for me. Could I actually have feelings for my best friend? I need to talk to someone about this and quick!

" Hey Niall, can we have a talk?" I asked my blond haired friend. Interrupting his flirt session with Liam.
" Sure thing Haz." He said getting up from his place at the table we were sitting at while we waited for our food. I walk him over to one of the booths so we none of our other friends could here us.
" Niall I'm really freaking out about something and I'm not sure what to do!!" I explained quickly
" Harry clam down!" Niall said " What has got you all worried?"
" I don't know if I like a certain person or not." I mumbled as I felt my cheeks heating up.

I'm gonna have to make a part two to this chapter. Mainly because of writers block. Sorry if the chapter is short. Anyway hope you're having a great week and I'll try to updated sooner.

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