Nine// Day At The Fair part 2

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{Niall's POV}

" I don't know if I like a certain person or not." Harry mumbles as his cheeks begin to turn pink. Aha! I was right! This going to be fun to tease him with.
" Is it by any chance, oh I don't know... the boy you possibly grew up with, that has the nice blues eyes and feathery brown hair?" I ask with an amused smirk on my face. I watch as Harry covers my mouth, "Shhhh!! Why not just say it louder why don't you!" He hushes me while his cheeks turn an even brighter red.
"Geez, sorry mate." I chuckle " Do you have any clue if he feels the same or already knows?" I ask
" No, I hope he doesn't know."
" But you hope he feels the same?"
" I-well-umm-uh- I- uh"  he stutterers, this is surprisingly amusing to watch. Suddenly an idea popped in my head.

" How about this, we'll tell the lads that it would be fun to spilt up and meet up later when we're ready to go. You and Louis will go with each other to get some alone time." I state wiggling my brows up and down at him " I will go with Liam and Zayn to let them know our plan so we can leave you guys alone." I finish off, I am so smart they're so lucky they have me.
" I guess..." Harry blushes
" Great! Let's go!" I drag him back to the table where the other lads were with our food.
" Hey where you guys run off to? We were starting to get worried." Liam questions
" Oh me and Niall were talking about what to do first."  Harry states. The three them give us confused looks. " Basically, we thought it would be a lot easier if we split up. That way we could a lot more things than we all could do as a big group, then we can all meet up when we're ready to go home." I assure them.
" Sure. Who's going with who?" Zayn says
" How about, Me, Liam, and Zayn. Then Harry and Louis." I answered, they all nod and we go our separate ways.
{Harry's POV}

Geez. What am I so nervous? I've hung out with Louis one on one all the time and yet this time it seems different in a way. I really need to calm down.
God if he knew how I felt or was thinking right now he would think I'm sick and hate me forever. As we walk to look for a ride, our shoulders brush together and my cheeks instantly feel like they're on fire.

" Hey Hazza, there's a roller coaster wanna go on?" Louis asks breaking me out of my train of thoughts.
" Sure." I respond, we make our way to the line and wait patiently for our turn.
{Zayn's POV}

"Oh my god..." was all I managed to get get out. I can't believe it, Harry likes Louis! Louis likes Harry! (I think)
" How long have you known this Niall?" I ask
" Harry told me while Louis was getting our food. Me and Liam were kind of fangirling about this morning too when they were cuddling." Niall admits
" Hey! I wasn't fangirling." Liam pouts
" Hate to break it ya mate but, you kinda were." Niall pats his back leaving a pout on Liam's face. Seems like Harry and Louis aren't the only ones into each other. I think to myself.

" So, your plan is that, if they spend a somewhat romantic day with each other one of them (most likely Harry) is going to crack and confess?" I ask
" Yep!" He answers proudly "And we're going to keep an eye on them. They won't even know we're there."
You know? I'm really starting to like this plan.
" I think we should come up with a ship name for them." Liam suggested
" Great idea! How about Houis?" I respond
" No way!" Niall states make a disgusted look in my direction " Their ship name will be... Larry!" Larry. Has a nice ring to it. Operation get Larry together is on the go.
{qHarry's POV}

Me and Louis get off the roller coaster extremely dizzy.
" I gotta say. I've had many bad ideas, but this one is by far the worst." Louis jokes lighting up the mood from our dizzy ness. I can't help but laugh at his comment. We make our way to one one the benches trying to pull ourselves together again.

After that whole thing went down, we walk around a little more until it's almost sun set and come across a ring toss booth that had a huge fluffy bear as a prize. Before I even knew what was happening, I was being dragged over to the booth by Louis. He played a few rounds,  I was about to tell him to give up until he finally made it. I gave him a high five to congratulate him. The bear was given after about a minute, and I was shocked when he was gesturing the stuffed bear to me. How did he know I wanted the bear? As though he was reading my he said " I saw you looking at the bear, so I thought I would try to get it for you." my heart immediately melted and he gave me a small smile.

We meet up with the rest of the boys leaving the fair. I dropped everyone off at their house and sadly Louis too. When I got home I was greeted my mom and sister in the kitchen.
" Hey how was the fair?" Gemma asked  "It was fun. Me and Louis went on a few rides and got me this bear." I said with a smile
" That's cool! Are you hungry? We have some leftovers" my mom said.
" No thanks. We had some food when we at the fair." With that I made way up to my room and setting the stuffed bear nicely on my bed fore stripping down my tight jeans and throwing on a pair of sweats. I slide into my bed, holding onto the bear tightly while I let sleep take over my body. The smile on my face, not leaving once.

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