Two//Luch Time

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{Louis's POV}

Once the bell rang signaling us to head to lunch I was beyond relieved to know that I get to see Harry now since we don't have that many classes together. I make my way through the two doors of the cafeteria to see Harry already in line. I start to slightly jog my way over to him at the end of the line.
"Hey Lou! How was fourth period?" He greeted with a small smile.
"It was good! The teacher is really nice and I got to sit with Niall." I reasoned, returning him a small smile back. Suddenly out of the blue I feel a heavy weight on my back and almost right away fall on the cold tiled floor.
"Awww man! Sorry mate let me help you up there." A familiar Irish accent speaks, grabbing ahold of his hand and bouncing back up on my feet, I stand face to face with a blond haired lad I like to call my friend "Thanks Niall. What was the point of jumping on me anyway?" I ask while laughing off the pain.
"I don't know, just thought it be fun."
"Well was it?" Harry asked from behind also laughing.
"Eh. More funny than expected, but I guess it was worth it." We all continued to laugh a little at Niall's comment.

Once our laughter dialed down we left the line with our food, settling our trays down on the table we sat at last year by the existing doors and garbage can in the far right corner of the cafeteria room. After a long while of silence Harry speaks up. "So guys, I was thinking we all could get together this weekend and maybe have a movie night at my place or something?"
" Yeah that's a great idea." Niall response happily " I'll have to see if I'm busy with anything though. But I'm sure I'll be able to make it."
"Cool! What about you Lou?" Harry asks moving his eyes towards me.
"Just let me know what time and I'll be there!"
We all do a small cheer before eating the rest of our food, and getting ready to take on the rest of the day until schools over.

Apologies if it was a bit short I'm still new at this. :/
Anyways hope you liked it so far!

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