Six// Just Friends?

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{Louis's POV}

God damnit Harry! Stop being so attractive!
Harry just came back up from the basement were he was told he had to put on a princess dress. And wtf!? He looks beautiful, so beautiful in fact that I couldn't stop myself looking at him with a funding smile.
No stop it Louis! He would ever feel the same way!!!
{Niall's POV}

Okay, it's clearly obvious that both Harry and Louis really feel something for each other. I bet that they just can't admit it because they don't wanna lose one another if things got awkward.
But thankfully for my awesomeness and clever mind I tend to notice these small little things. For example, the way they were cuddling with each other during the movie. Yes I am aware I was hiding behind the couch like a coward but still don't think I didn't notice anything. I heard the pouting Harry was giving Louis. And he didn't even think twice about wrapping his arms around him.

I'm telling they've got it bad. That may explain why Harry was blushing when I made that joke about them making a cute couple (which I'm not wrong about) because he secretly wanted that to be a reality! And now the funding look in Louis's eyes watching Harry be our "Model" for the rest on the game in a princess dress.
We have officially ended the game and now just talking.
"I'm gonna go get some more snacks. Be right back guys." Harry announced getting up from his place on the couch.
" Okay while you do that. I'm gonna go use the loo." Louis announce also getting up.
They both got up going there separate ways.
" Guys, I need to tell you something." I say to Liam and Zayn.
"Yeah, what's up?" Liam asks looking worried
"You didn't kill anyone did you?" Zayn joked.
"No! Oh my god Zayn!" I sheik "Look, I need to talk to you about Louis and Harry." I started
"What about Louis and Harry?" Zayn questioned
"Haven't you guys noticed their relationship lately. I mean they don't exactly act like they're just friends, you know?" I stated giving them an obvious look
"I guess they do seem closer than the three of you." Liam informed "But I thought since they grew up together that was why."
" I don't know." I say with a sigh. They both look at me with wide eyes.
"I have to admit it. It does seem that they might like each other, but I'm not gonna get in the middle of this." Zayn spoke up.

A moment later Harry came back with a big tray of snacks and drinks which I pretty much inhaled. Louis came back (finally) even though he was only in there for a minute. Once we were all worn out we settled into our sleeping arrangements falling into a deep sleep.

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