14// Finally

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{Harry's Pov}

I can't believe I chickened out at last minute! I had my chance and I blew it. It might've been for the best anyway. What if our friendship got ruined? I would rather have as just a friend than not have him in my life at all. But a part of me thinks he might feel the same...if only. I walk into the school doors Monday morning with Liam talking on and on about his and Niall's weekend together. I find cute how much he likes Niall, I wish I was able to tell Lou I like him.

"You should man. I'm sure he likes you too." Liam says snapping me out on train of thoughts

"Did I say that out loud?" I ask sheepishly "Yep!" Liam says popping the 'p'. Fuck.

Niall and Louis are standing at Niall's locking probably talking about Liam. We make our way over there and Liam wraps his arm around Niall's waste. Awww. Zayn makes his way over to us as well holding hands with Prerrie, I feel like I'm the only single one right now. "That's not true Haz, Louis is still single too." Niall tells me. 

"I really need to stop saying shit out loud." I sigh.


{Liam's Pov}

When I walked into school that morning with Harry I could tell he was in deep in thought. I didn't think much unit he mumbled under his breath "I wish I was able to tell Lou I liked him..." I decided to step in and have a talk with him. I knew that Louis liked him because Louis told Niall, and Niall told me for our plan that we oh so forgot about because of... other... stuff.

The point is, Niall's plan at the fair have failed because both of them still looked like they were hiding something from each other. Don't ask me how I knew I just did! We met with Louis and Niall and a new plan popped into my head when I saw Zayn and Perrie walk up to us holding hands. We could make them feel awkward with our lovey dovey relationships and cause one of them to crack and if they don't they can go to the school dance next week as 'Just friends' and see what happens then! 

When I told the others my plan, they seemed they were on bored unitl Zayn said "Why can't we just lock them into a closet or something and force them to tell each other their feelings?" The fuck? "Zayn are you okay?" I ask worried deep in my voice. "Of course I am. That's what Niall did for me and Perrie so I thought it might work for Harry and Louis too." I look a Niall wide eyes and all he does is give me that innocent smile that never fails to drive me crazy.  

"I think we should just stick to Liam's idea babe. If one or the other doesn't work then we'll do your idea." Perrie is officially my favorite person ever. Maybe second favorite,  under Niall.

"Alright fine." Zayn agrees. It amazes me how well he can be convinced by her opinions to not be a psychopath. I walk to Harry after and explain our plan to him, which he seems to be on board for.


{Louis's Pov}

After our first half of classes, everyone (including Zayn's girlfriend Perrie) was sitting down and eating. But I couldn't eat, I was too focused on how Liam and Niall were basically eating each others faces off. I looked away to my left and saw Zayn feeding Perrie her food and nuzzling their noses together. Talk about unsettling, and not to mention way beyond awkward since Harry was right there! next to me, uggggh. Someone please suck me into a black whole now.

Once the bell rung signaling us to go back to class I shot up from my seat and ran out as fast as could. I sigh in relief when I make it to my locker, I gather my books into my bag and make my way to art, one of my favorite classes. Along with music and such.

 ~Skip to after school~

After school was over we all make our way to the library for our volunteer work there since we had nothing else better to do.

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