Seven// All aboard

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{Liam's POV}

I woke the next morning not knowing where the hell I was. But then as I saw the rest of the lads still fast asleep, a clear view of yesterday came rushing back to my head. I remember now that we all spent the night at Harry's place. I'm gonna be completely honest, even though me and Zayn only just moved here and only met these three a few days ago. Yet it feels like we all grew up together. Like in a way we all just clicked. Which don't get me wrong it sounds stupid, but it's the truth.

I sit up from where I was laying to stretch out my arms. As I do so, I take in my surroundings and I must say, their house is quite nice. I didn't get a chance to look around yesterday since we were all too busy goofing around. I look over to see Harry and Louis cuddling each other while fast asleep.
Awww. They really would make a cute couple.

I tune to my left to see a snoring Niall. I shake him lightly until his eyes flutter open my eyes meeting his slightly drowsy ones. My heart rate speeds up a little, I try to distract myself by showing him the two cuddle buddies. He looks at them in an awe, taking out his phone and snapping a quick photo.
" And the cutest couple award goes to... Harry and Louis." Niall whisper yells to me. I let out a small chuckle and we continue to joke around about Louis and Harry getting married one day. ( which wouldn't surprise me)
{Niall's POV}

I after Liam had woke me up. We joked around, planing Louis and Harry's future wedding. But there was a thought lingering in the back of my mind. It was when Liam had first time woke me up and our eyes met, sending a chill down my spine. Although other than that I am quite thankful Liam woke me up, or else I probably would never gotten a photo of Harry and Louis cuddling. Me and Liam continued to talk until the rest of the lads woke up.
{Harry's POV}

This morning I woke up in Louis's arms. I couldn't stop myself from blushing like crazy. I look up to find Niall and Liam whispering to each other and giggling like the idiots they are, and Zayn beginning to wake up just like me.
"Good morning sleepy heads." Liam teased "Harry, how's the boyfriend?" Niall gives him a high five for that while the red on my cheeks gets even darker if that's possible. I look to see if Louis heard any of that, good he's still fast asleep. I sigh in relief.

I stand up and make my way into the kitchen to make me and the rest of the lads some tea. Once I was finished I carry the tray of mugs into the living room where the other's were. I set the tray down on the coffee table and let my friends grab a mug. I look to see that Louis finally woke up. I'm not surprised, he would walk 1,000 miles just for tea.
" Hey guys, I'm gonna go get dressed." They all nod and I make my way up the stairs.
I arrive back downstairs where the rest of the lads are. I decided to wear a pair of worn out blue jeans and a red t-shirt. I see that everyone else has also gotten dressed.
" Hey." I greet the boys all give me a small wave.
"So, where are we off to?" Liam asks
"Anywhere." Louis says with a smirk.
This is going to be a long day I thought to myself following the others out the door, locking it behind me.

We gather up in my car and start up the engine. Louis gets in the front seat with me, while the others get into the back with Niall in the middle. I noticed a small blush that has formed onto both Liam and Niall's faces. Brushing that off for another time, I back out of my drive and start to drive into town.

So sorry it's been a while. I haven't had the best internet and also have been super busy. But anyway hope you liked this chapter! <3
( also, I hope you also enjoy some Niam scenes too)

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