Chapter 22

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"What's that?" he asked pointing on the letter sticking out of my bag.

I pushed into the bag further "It's just a letter from Uni" I told him.

He took his eyes of the road for a second, obviously confused "Letter? What happened to emails?"

"They need me to sign this" I told him.

"That important huh?"

I nodded "This letter will decide my future career field and my classes of the next few years" I told him "Only the second most important letter in my life after my acceptance email"

"Is that your major selection acceptance?" he asked excited.

"Or rejection" I told him "Don't jinks it"

He looked over to me with a smile "How about I pull to the side and we can open it? We can get Ice cream after it to celebrate or to make you feel better" he offered.

I turned to him with an annoyed look.

"Or the saddest news of your life" he chuckled "Either way, I'd like to be there for you while you open it"

I shrugged as I looked down to my lap "It's not that important anyways. Plus, I promised Alex that I will open it with her today" I told him.

He gave me an understand nod "Will that be after or before your date?" he asked "You must be excited"

That was the moment that I dreaded the whole ride, him bringing up the date. I knew that it would ruin the mood and this Friendly Cole will soon be replaced by the mean judgmental Cole that he has become because of our break-up. I thought about often at night or when I saw him, that I was the reason that Cole has changed to the worst and became this cold stranger to everyone around him including his family. That I was the reason he is the way he is right now aside from current moment.

"It's not really a date" I told him "We're just hanging out"

"He likes you and you like him, I think that this is more than a hangout" he pointed out "I bet you 100 bucks that he will show up with flowers"

"I am not ready to date anyone yet" I told him "It haven't been that long since I've broken up with Ben"

He chuckled "I don't know why on earth you though that it would work out with him. I swear, the second I saw you two together in one place I knew that it wouldn't. Even when you talked about him the first time, there was just no excitement in your eyes about how you felt about him"

"And you would know about that?" I rolled my eyes.

He parked the car in front of his house and smiled "It's simple" he said as he turned to me "The look in your eyes when you were with him or talked about him wasn't even half as much as the way you looked at me back then"

I snort left my mouth as I threw my head back against the seat "I don't I will even look at anyone like other than you" I said.

He didn't reply for a minute making me realize what fell about of my mouth. I opened my mouth in embarrassment, but no words came out.

"Lies" he laughed "Have you seen the way you look at your Korean food. You never looked at anyone like that before, like you're so madly in love and ready to elope"

I smiled at light heartedness.

"I was scared of getting into the car with you" I honestly said "I was scared that you're going to end up fighting with me over seeing other people and our breakup again"

He gave me a small smile "It came to my realization that it would be best for both of us that I stop being like that, getting angry over anything and everything. If you want to go out on a date with someone, that is your choice; I can't be mad at you for living your life the way that you want to"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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