Chapter 18

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 There's a lot of things that I don't know how to explain; at this point, my feelings were one of them. After my fight with Derek, I went back downstairs to create some type of excuse to avoid playing with everyone. Luckily, when I asked if anyone was craving cookies, everyone answered with a yes. It was the perfect way to escape the party, yet still be participating by making everyone something to eat.

When I checked the pantry, they were out of Chocolate Chips. I sighed in relief before I grabbed my shoes and bags from Alex's room.

"I just need to go grab some things from down the store down the door" I told asked as I walked out the door "Text me if you want me to get you anything"

"Sophia, you don't have to ..." she attempted to say, but I was already out of the door before she could finish her sentence.

Walking out of the house alone lifted a small amount of weight and pressure of my shoulders. If we weren't in the middle of a birthday party and I wasn't trying to stay on Alex's good side, I would have left a while ago for a jog or drove around to clear my head from all those emotions that I was going through. Sadly, I only had around half an hour to do that at the moment.

"Sophia" I heard someone call from behind me.

I turned to find Andy jogging up to me. I mentally slapped myself for being an idiot and announcing where I was going rather than text Alex after leaving. Then I felt more of an idiot since I didn't even bother to say hey or notice that Andy was here at all because I was caught up in my thoughts, feelings, and the drama that was happening.

"Andy, hey" I said politely "What are you doing here?"

He shrugged "I thought maybe you'd like some company. Plus, I need some fresh air since everyone is vaping in the house"

I nodded as we walked beside each other "I haven't really noticed"

He chuckled "You were passed out most of the time, of course, you haven't noticed" he said "I don't blame you though, I slept for 13 hours straight the first time I got drunk"

"I wasn't drunk by choice" I pointed out.

His shoulders dropped as he turned to me with a sad face "Yeah, that was pretty childish and stupid to do. Rowan can be a bit of a dick sometimes"

"A bit?" I asked "I've known her for a while now, I don't think that a bit of a dick is a term that applies to her anymore"

He smiled "You might be right"

I then turned to look around that place before tucking his hands in his pocket "Soo... that was quite the show back there" he said awkwardly "I don't understand how you're fine after all that happened today"

I shrugged "I have much bigger things to deal with today" I simply said.

I had more things to think about other than the sequel of my breakup with Ben. I had to think about how to fix things with Alex and how to open up to her more about things that are happening in my life. I had to think about my fight with Derek and how the hell are we supposed to go back to our friendship that I cherish so much. I was thinking of how uncomfortable the couch I was going to sleep on tonight. Mostly, I was thinking of the talk I was going to have with Cole once everyone is gone and how to avoid it.

"He's a dick" he stated "Ben I mean. If you were my girlfriend, I wouldn't have treated you the way he did"

I rubbed my arm awkwardly then tried to change the topic "We should be close to the supermarket. A minute or two more. Were you going to get something?"

He nodded "I'm craving some potato chips and maybe something to drink as well" he said "But mostly, I just wanted to accompany you and catch up. How long has it been since we saw each other last? A year?"

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