Chapter 11

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The look on Derek's face when the winner of the contest was announced was something I would never forget. When the winner was announced, Derek had his hands between his thighs as his leg shook 100 mile per hour. And when the winner was announced, his face dropped in full disappointment and sadness, it was as he was about to start crying but was holding himself from doing so. I knew how much he wanted to win this, I knew how he hoped that the winning the contest would give him his break though; so I didn't blame him when we lost the contest to some off campus parking idea.

Not to sound full of ourselves, but we thought that our win is guaranteed because of the idea. The team that won the contest suggested that the best parking solution would off campus parking, where whey would have to buy the very small land next to the campus to extend the parking. It wasn't something that was creative, it was something that were already in application and something that failed since people would just keep circling campus in hopes of a closer parking; no one wants to walk in the heat and so far to class so that basically did not solve anything.

Our idea should've won, and I am not ashamed or want to sound cocky by saying we had the best idea because we believed and worked so hard to come up with solution that was out of the box and not applied around here. It should've been the winning idea, not because I want the prize, because Derek wanted it and he wanted so bad to be the winning idea. He worked on this harder than I have ever did. He created the idea of the ride along buddy, a solution that more eco-friendly by carpooling, requires less parking space of the reduced number of cars on campus, allows student to network and get to make new friends, and helps student with gas money since it would be split between each individual. He even built an app that would support the program.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked Derek.

He smiled with a nod "I'll be fine. I'm just a little upset" he said "Nothing a little party and good lay won't fix"

I ruffled his hair "You're such a guy" I told him "And good luck on the second part because that won't be happening at this party. There's literally less than 10 people"

He smirked "It's a party, Sophia" he reminded me "You can't call a gathering with 10 people a party"

"Derek who else did you invite" I asked horrified.

"Just a few of my friends, And Alex's, and Cole's and a few of their friends as well" Derek said proudly "We haven't had a good party in a long ass time"

I ran my hand through my hair "Fuck you, Derek" I groaned "This was supposed to Alex's surprise party for close people only"

He grinned "Well Fuck that" he said "There's nothing Alex likes more than a loud ass party with so many gifts. Did you get something?"

I nodded "I bought her a record player" I said as we walked out from behind the stage with our bags on our shoulders.

"Here I'll carry that" Ben smiled as he reached out for my laptop bag.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw my tutors walk toward me "You two go ahead and take the things to the car, I just need to talk to my teachers for a minute" I told Derek and Ben "I'll be right behind you in a few minute"

Derek nodded and told Ben to follow him, while I waited with a smile as I watched my tutors' approach.

"Sophia that was an excellent presentation" Mr. George smiled "Such a different idea"

"I loved it as well. Maybe the idea is too much out there for this place" Mrs. Annabelle said.

"Agree, it was presented really beautifully with all the back up research" Mr. Jones said "It's too bad that you lost, I really like your idea and the app"

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