A/N (More like ranting)

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It's been a while, hasn't it? First, happy new year I guess. I hope you all are safe out there since a lot of things are going wrong out there; but here, things are going okay I guess. I feel like you guys won't care about this, but I still feel like I should share the reasons why I haven't been writing for a while. 

The easiest way I can explain this to you is through breaking it down to months I guess, so here we go:

Septemeber 2019:

I guess this is where all my problems started. I started my three weeks internship in event management that month. It was fun and all, but it was up until I discovered that my boyfriend of more than 3 years and a half was lying to me for a straight about the reason why he wasn't going to university. We took a break, but it didn't last long before I found out that my cat was suffering ringworm and I went crying to him and needed him there. So went I crying back to him, it was as if we just moved past it without solving it or talking about it. I started my classes that month too, which was by the way only one class because I fucked up with me and the tutors fucked up with my schedule so it set me back a whole semester.

October/ November 2019:

After a few weeks of being depressed about staying at home and doing little writing, I got a job at a small company with people who know my friends. I was excited, I felt overwhelmed for a bit but I was really happy about everything. I ended up turning the office into my safe haven and my escape since I just got attached and along with everyone there. My relationship was going okay, we fought a lot but I still tried to make it work while going under a shit load of stress because of my assignments. So I guess I managed to get myself consumed with everything around me and forgot how to write or have the time to write. In the process, I met someone, someone that I liked but I knew that I shouldn't; but at that time, he was what was keeping me sain and helping me thought everything that I was going through.


I guess this was the month that everything went to shit. I went through mental break-downs as I tried to finish my assignments on my own, then was hit with some bullshit about me backstabbing my whole team about ratting them out to my tutor by claiming that I've done everything (It wasn't true btw, I literally had no idea what the fuck was happening about me and I wasn't' even there when everything happened). I got kicked out of the class due to an attendance mistake and given a 0 in an assignment that weighted 30% of my grade due to some stupid ass mistakes that were going on in their end and drama. My relationship really went to shit, which I tried to fix by taking a break, but then I just went back like I always did before. It didn't last long because we ended breaking up on new years eve.

So yeah, things have been really weird and I barely have time for myself anymore because I'm trying to deal with all the things that are happening around me right now. I will try my best to update while I try to figure things out especially because I'm trying to finish this book this month before going into my last semester of university.

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