Chapter 5

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It's been a while.. again, but better late than never. I've been busy with my internship that just ended today and I'm extremely sad about it because I loved everything about it so goddamn much and now it's over. I started classes last week, and by classes I mean literary one subject for the whole semester; oh and I just happen to get the one awful tutor that I've been trying not to get. It honestly only been the first class this week and she's already treating me like I'm stupid and neglecting my studies. It's fucking awful and I already feel like she's destroying my mental and emotional state that I've been working hard on fixing.

Anyways, here's a new chapter of Mending wounds. I already have the second one ready so hopefully the next update won't take long.


We all ended up on the couch last night, watching bench watching 'Sons of Anarchy'. We didn't speak at all about what happened earlier that day, not even mentioning Rowen's name once. We just pretended like none of that happened. When Cole and Alex got home, Alex went straight to her room and was followed by Jeremy, while Cole and Jessy sat out by the pool to talk and catch up. As for me, before starting the movie bench watching, I was with Derek planning our project idea for the contest.

"You know, I never found the appeal of riding a motorcycle and tattoos" Derek said, mouth full of popcorn "Nor why girls are so attracted to bad boys that can ruin their lives"

I threw a popcorn at the back of his head "Don't talk with your mouth full. Your mum taught you manners for a reason" I pointed out.

"He has a point" Jessy said "It like fire; you know that you will get a third degree burn but you still run toward it"

"Agree" Jeremy agreed.

"You guys would never understand why, it's not that simple" Alex said as she sat up at the edge of the bed "It's not like we have the purpose of hurting ourselves when we run toward the fire. It's just human nature. When you know something is forbidden and you can't have it, you desire it more.

"Yup. You guys do the same thing on daily bases. I mean come on, think about it really" she continued "For example, boobs, they are something that girls hide because it's a private part and you're not allowed to see it, that's the main reason guys are obsessed with. I mean if it was something normal for you to see everyone's boobs on daily bases, it wouldn't be that exciting to see them"

"So that's your defence?" Derek raised an eyebrow.

"What I think Alex meant is that it can't be helped, it's like something that you know is bad for you but at the same time it satisfies your feelings or whatever" I said "It's like smoking; you know that they are bad for your but you still do it because it gives you a sense of relive and calmness. Drinking too, you know you will have a hangover if you drink it, but you still do because it helps you to forget and make you feel better. So basically, it's not really about the person being a bad boy, it's about what the boy makes you feel"

"That's what I was trying to say" Alex says in excitement as he points a finger at me.

Jeremy looked at her confused "What? that wasn't even close to what you just said"

Alex opened her mouth to yell at Jeremy but was soon interrupted by Cole's chuckle.

"That's not it" Cole said with a smirk "See whenever a girl sees a bad boy or a broken boy, she is simply attracted to him because she wants to be the one to fix him. You girls try to glue to broken pieces together in hopes that you can make him a better man and be the one who changes them, but in truth there were no pieces for you to fix because nothing was broken. You just seek the satisfaction of being the one to controls and fixes everything"

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