Chapter 4

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I grew up with his bad habit. When I'm nervous and anxious, I shake my right leg up and down a million mile an hour, which is completely fine if it didn't drive everyone around me insane. I was exactly doing that in ihop on a Saturday morning, anxiously waiting to see my boyfriend, once that I haven't see in person in a little over three weeks.

I watch the street, nervously waiting to see Ben making his way through the crowd. It's been more than 45 minutes since we got seated, 30 minutes since I last heard of him, and 15 since I gave up on keeping a solid conversation going with Alex and Jeremy.

"Hey, I'm sorry to disturb you" a brown-haired worker approached us "But you've been here for almost an hour and have not order yet, so you sort of need to order. We're very busy today and need to turn table"

"Sophia?" Jeremy said "We have to order; Ben can order his own food when he gets here"

"Order for me, I need some fresh air" I said as I got up then left.

As soon as I got out on the street, I leaned against the car taking slow breaths and trying control my emotions and not burst into tears. I was upset and heartbroken that I have yet again been stood up by Ben for the fifth time in the past two months.

I took a few minutes to gather my thoughts before I walked back into the restaurant. To my surprised there were two boys seated on our table with Alex and Jeremy. From where I was standing, I gave Alex a confused look, she just gave me an apologetic smile then turned to say something to Jeremy. My walking suddenly came to a halt when I recognized one of the boys, Cole. Deciding against my better judgement, I walked back to the table and took the only available seat between Alex and Cole.

I flashed the guy seated next to Cole with a polite smile "Hey, I'm Sophia. A friend of the family" I said.

He gave me a wide boyish smile "Jessy" he said "We've already met before, Derek's birthday party three years ago. I went to school with Cole"

From the corner of my eyes, I couldn't help not to notice Cole hot gaze on me. I decided to ignore it, turning my head the other way and closer to Alex's ear.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" I whisper asked.

She shrugged "I don't know. He was here and asked to join us" she whispered back "I was surprised too"

Cole leaned forward on the table, trying to catch my attention "I thought this was supposed to be a double date. Where's your boyfriend, Sophia?" he asked.

I leaned back into my chair slightly annoyed at his nosiness, then did the only thing I could, I lied through my teeth to avoid the humiliation of being stood-up "He cancelled, something really important with work came up" I said as I looked over to Alex and Jeremy, hoping they don't expose my lie for what it was.

"Hello babies, what conversation am I interrupt?" Rowen, one of Alex's best friends interrupted "Hopefully a topic that is not about your lovey dovey memories"

I looked up to Alex, giving her the 'What the fuck, Alex. why is she even fucking here?' look. She replied with a 'sorry' look, letting me know that she didn't really plan this, which was the usual.

Ever since Rowen and Alex became best friends two years ago, I couldn't seem to bring myself around to like her. We weren't the closest, and sure as hell didn't like each other. It was like Alex was seeking to find a friend that does everything that I don't and everything that I lack, therefore, we were the complete opposite. Rowen is the fun friend, the one Alex would call up every time she wants to go out drinking, dancing or clubbing because I am not a fan of any of those.

The one thing I learned and the thing that makes me hate when Rowen is around is because wherever she goes, troubles follow. Every time end-up going partying, I'd get a call at 3 a.m. from Alex drunk and crying because she got stranded in some sort of club of party because Rowen left with a random dude. What makes me hate her even more is how she is with Alex, she always makes her cry, but somehow Alex always forgives her for the shit she does to her and things she'd say.

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