Chapter 16

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If there was one thing I loved about Alex's house the most, it's laying on the grass next to the pool during the early hours of dusk. They had a perfectly cushioned outdoor sofa that I could lay on, but for some reason that slightly wet grass has always been more tempting and fitted the moment. Every Friday morning, I'd lay on the wet grass next to the pool and I'd watch the dark blue sky turn orange. The best part of it has always been the cloud; in that time of day, the dark blue colored clouds outlined with orange would look like a sea full of waves.

I always valued those moments the most. When I was on the point of breaking, or when I just submitted a stressful assignment, I'd wake up early and lay on the grass and watch the waves of clouds move and the street lamp posts close one by one. In those moments, I'd feel peaceful and content with my life. Today was one of them. Watching the dark blue night fade into the orange skyline was what I needed to take my mind off my breakup with Ben or what I know was a breakup since I just walked away then block him on the way back home.

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?" I heard someone asked as he took a seat next to me on the grass.

I turned to Jessy with a smile "I didn't know you were here,"

"I got too drunk at the party down the block and drunk-dialed Cole," he said "I don't really remember that happened after that."

"People usually drunk dial their exes," I giggled "Is there something you and Cole want to tell me?"

He chuckled "No," he said "Is there something you want to talk to me about?."

I shook my head "What would I have to hide from you?."

He shrugged before laying on the grass next to me.

"Woah." he said.

I turned my head to side and watch his face as he looked up to the sky amazed "I know right"

"That explains a lot." he said.

"Explains what?" I asked, confused.

He shook his head "It's nothing really," he said "I came out here a few days ago and found Cole laying in this same spot around the same time. He seemed distracted and didn't want to talk at all. I get why now. Did you guys used to do this together?"

"No, I never did this with Cole," I told him "He'd usually still be passed out drunk at this time of day back then. This is where I run to when I'm troubled, so I didn't bring him here because I want to keep it as trouble and stress free as possible."

He smiled "I hate to bring stress here, but you got to be careful, Sophia" he said "Rowen has been saying things about you yesterday at the party"

"What is it this time?" I sighed uninterested "Is it me stealing her best friend, boyfriend, father or grandfather? that girl is wrong in the head"

"That you stole Cole from her" he said "She's going after him"

"She's delusional" I chuckled "I stole no one from anyone. Plus, Cole hates her; he would be the dumbest person on earth if he even allowed her near him"

"You're right" he chuckled.

I smiled then turned my attention back to the sky "I always am"


"Are you sure you're not coming?" Alex asked "I mean I feel bad since lately every time you come over, I have to be somewhere and so does Derek"

I leaned against the counter "It fine. I get to experience the quietness of your house" I told her "Plus, I'll be working on my C.V today. You know how I have my own couch when I do so here"

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