Chapter. 12 : isn't it lovely? all alone

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A/n : ok it was just days ago this book had 600 reads and now it's near 800?? How? I didn't expect this book to get this much attention, thank you! I don't know how to thank y'all but i really appreciate it.

Hope you enjoy ^^


Author's POV

"Get out of here you good-for-nothing!"

"The world would've been better place if people like you go die in ditch somewhere"

"We've had enough of you, you should be grateful we've kept you till now"

"Now that you have reached the age, we have no reason to keep you here"

"Get out! And make space for others, little children are much more important than you, you useless child!"

All headmasters were gathered around him, each of them saying their own cruel sentence one by one. Their words were echoing in his head, as if the whole world hated him. All he could do was to look at them in horror.

He only had one question; why?

How things ended up like this?

"You've heard us, now get up and leave. Right now"

The headmaster stepped ahead everyone. The albino hesitantly looked up at the man, then he felt something was thrown at his face. That was a black bag that was thrown at him, by no other than his headmaster.

"Grab this bag and leave, you are no longer welcomed here"

Atsushi was frozen in his place. And before he know, he found himself outside of the orphanage "W-wait!" But his plea didn't matter as the door was closed on his face "P-please open the door, at least let me see (Y/n)-Chan! I promise i'll leave soon after that, but please!" He yelled behind the door as he was pressing both his fists on it. The door let out a quite crack, before being opened. Atsushi's hope rose up as he quickly looked up, only to be disappointed by seeing Rosella, with an unsatisfied expression on her face.

"R-rosella..San..." he was about to ask for permission but couldn't "why are you still here?" She asked in harsh tone "R-rosella-San, is (Y/n)-Chan alright??" He asked desperately, though he was kinda scared of her next reaction, he needed to know.

But instead of answering, the woman's face fell dark with a shadow covering her eyes. Atsushi became worried sick, he was about to say something before a hand grab his wrist roughly and pull him with her "Ngh...Rosella-San..please...where's (Y/n)-Chan? They told me she is being taken care by you. Please let me see he-" before he could finish his words, as he was struggling against the rough grasp of woman's hand. He was thrown out of the orphanage's gate "Shut up! How dare you be so insolent, asking about someone after all the things you've done!" The woman yelled.

Then it hit him

The things he's done?

What has he done?

Sunset eyes widened, her words were like a drop to his glass of patience. Only a drop was enough for the glass to crack.

And it did

"W-what have i done?" He asked in low tone, but anyone could feel hatred and sorrow within it. And it was when the woman just realized what she said "you just said 'after the things i've done' what have i done?....Why i'm being kicked out of the orphanage? You said it's my new home when i first arrived...then why everyone are suddenly hating me?....what have i done that i don't know?" He grabbed the material of his cloth where his heart is as he yelled in agony, tears jumping out of his eyes as he roughly titled his head up.

Tiger Lily (Child! Atsushi x Child! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now