Chapter.9 : Mixed Emotions

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Author's POV

The previous night vanished into bright morning; sun gazing softly down at everything, including Orphanage. Those once dark gray walls in the night now turned back to white as sun kept going up slowly, its light kept illuminating the Orphanage little by little, turning it in two sides. One still shadowed from the previous night, one bright as the sun was shining upon it. Half light, half dark. Just like how the orphanage is.

As for inside the orphanage, it was always noise in the mornings. Children running around and playing with each other, giggling and laughing. That was the only sounds that always cheered up the dead atmosphere of the orphanage. Among all those children, one of them was more energetic than the others; the first one to wake up, the one who wake everyone up, the one who play with everyone and is always smiling, cheering everyone's mood up. Could never lose mornings.

However this time, morning seemed dull to her.

(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up by the annoying sound of the bell. Once I opened my eyes, sun didn't let me to close them anymore. I was too tired to get off of bed, even the other children's voices was annoying to me now, i was never this sleepy before.

Maybe i just don't want to get up and face those cruel people again

I rolled around and pulled the blanket on top of my head, it was strong enough to cover the sunlight. The children's voice were slowly muffled as i assume they were walking out of room. "(Y/n)-Chan, are you still asleep?" Asked one of my friends, but i was too tired to answer, so i remained silent, pretending to be asleep. I hoped she doesn't repeat her question.

Once all of them walked out, the room was finally quite, the only noise was bird's talking to each other in their own language. I hoped i would be able to sleep again, i felt satisfied as my eyes started to get heavy. "(L/n)-Chan?" Only to be snapped open by the voice i hate now, the second person i don't want to see.

I didn't answer, i didn't want to answer. I was still angry with her, as much as i wasn't sure if i will be able to hide my angry face from her once i looked at her. I hoped she believed that i was asleep and let go, but no. I heard her walking closer. What did i expect? This is Orphanage! Not our none-existent comforting home.

"I know you're awake, (L/n)-Chan. Better get up soon, before you'll skip the breakfast" she said, no matter how much she tried, i heard her voice dull and dark as yesterday, i couldn't see her as that once kind and caring woman, as my adoptive mom. "I don't want to, i don't want to get up, i'm tired" I said, not pushing the blanket off of myself "it's because you slept too late last night, (L/n)-Chan"

I bit my down lip, seriously?. Though i myself didn't know why exactly i feel like this, i knew it wasn't because i slept late last night. She told me those terrifying words, she didn't even stop that man from beating Atsushi. Yet, she was acting like nothing happened.

"Get up, (L/n)-Chan. You're already late for breakfast" she said, now that little hint of kindness was gone from her tone, i got angry even more. "I don't wanna breakfast!" I yelled without realizing, my eyes snapped open, the i shut them close. Waiting for a harsh reaction from her; a slap, a kick, thread or the best guess, pushing the blanket off and yelling at me.

"Then starve till the lunch, (L/n) (Y/n)"

She said in monotone voice, then left the room. I felt relieved, once i heard the door slammed close, i slowly pushed the blanket off of myself. I rose up in sitting position, recalling last night. The first thing i remembered was that man beating Atsushi, what's wrong with that man? Atsushi did nothing wrong, yet he beated him. Now that i think, that was the same way he beated the tiger. Just with no object. But what's the point? He almost killed the tiger, and Atsushi.

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