Chapter. 11 : Beast Beneath The Moonlight

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Author's POV

"'re here...too!?"

And their eyes met once again.

The tiger took a step forward, the girl took a step back. Still shocked by the sight in front of her, the last time she saw the tiger was ten years ago. Now after ten years; the tiger still managed to be here.

For second, the (h/c) haired girl forgot how she ended up back in the orphanage but that didn't matter. Now, there was only two options for her : run and make it out alive or she will be eaten by the white beast.

The choice was clear

She kept stepping backwards, the tiger kept walking forward. (Y/n) was too afraid to turn back and run, she felt like if she turns back for a second, the tiger will jump on her and begun eating her. She quickly picked up a stone and threw it at the tiger. In order to buy time.

Well, that was her wrong move

The tiger let out a terrifying roar that could be heard from kilometers away. The girl turned around. Then found herself running as fast as she could to the point she felt like she's running on the air. The tiger launched forward and ran after her, she didn't dare to look back. All she could think of was getting out, alive.

She was feet away from the entrance door when she felt the tiger behind her has gotten closer, as if the tiger has jumped. She glanced over her shoulder for a moment.

And that was enough for the beast

The tiger raised his claw. Making a good triple scar on the girl's right cheek as she fell on the ground, grabbing her cheek with her right hand. Tears didn't bother to stay in her (e/c) eyes. The tiger stepped on her. "Ngh..." She let out a low groan due to heaviness of the tiger. Slowly leaning his head to the girl, she could tell his terrifying sharp teeth was getting closer to her. She was panicked, she could hear her heartbeat in her whole body. She assumed she will die now by the beast or a panic attack, and will join her adoptive family. It was, until she slowly turned her head aside.

And looked at the tiger in the eyes.

Tears didn't stop as they got even faster, she let out a hiccup cause of crying. Looking right into tiger's soul as if she was begging the tiger, it was like she is silently saying "please don't kill me". Though she was too scared to speak, she was already begging with her eyes.

What she didn't expect was that the tiger stopped in his tracks once she looked at him, yellow eyes slightly widened, then softened as if he just found something familiar. The large mouth that was open, revealing sharp teeth that was ready to sink into skin. Slowly became closed. That once angered expression of tiger turned to calm one.

How can a tiger forget his flower?

The girl raised her brows, but that didn't lower her fear at all. She slowly pulled herself backwards; out of tiger's trap, she didn't understand. She was too shocked to observe all that just happened. She used her arms to support her body off of the grassy ground. Now that the tiger has suddenly calmed for unknown reason, it was her chance; she was about to stand up and run away and never return.

Then a click sound of gun stopped her.

Then in less than a second, something was thrown at the tiger.

It was a dart

The tiger let out a loud roar out of pure anger "Shoot!" Ordered a very familiar voice as more darts were thrown at the tiger. The beat's roar was the only sound that could be heard. The girl was still sitting on the ground with one hand on her injured cheek, watching in fear and confusion. She was waiting to be attacked, but the tiger didn't even look at her. She stood up and ran to the door, her hand inches away from the door handle, one push, and she could escape.

Tiger Lily (Child! Atsushi x Child! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now