Chapter.1 : The Albino Of the Orphanage

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(Y/n)'s POV

Rosella-San turned around and signed the newbie, which i assume is Nakajima Atsushi to follow her and he did. After they disappeared upstairs, everyone went back to their interrupted games and began to play, but i couldn't win against my curiosity so i walked upstairs.

Once I reached upstairs i saw our room's door is open, it was the room we all sleep in, i walked to the door and peeked my head to look. Rosella-San was standing behind my bed with Atsushi beside her, they seemed they're looking at the bed beside mine, which as much as i remember it was empty since it was no one's. My thought was interrupted when Rosella-San spoke.

"You're lucky, this is the only empty bed. Otherwise, you had to sleep on the ground" i felt some sort of dark aura when I heard Rosella-San said that, sure I saw her being cold with others but....this boy...Atsushi has just arrived.

Maybe...i'm just exaggerating, Rosella-San is always cold to others.

"By the way, this orphanage has rules which all the children have to obey if they want to stay here. The first one is to not hurt any orphanage's belongings, so if you want to have somewhere to sleep at and have something to eat, you have to obey the rules" Rosella-San said in such a cold tone, i could feel the poor newbie was scared, even i was scared. Though the one she was talking to wasn't me. I slowly walked inside as Rosella-San turned around, noticing me.

"Ah! (L/n)-Chan, why don't you play with other children?" She asked as if it was odd for her to see me not playing "i...i just..." I tried to find a good excuse but she cut me off "it's okay. Since you're the only child here, how about you show around to Nakajima-kun?" She smiled down at me, i raised my brows in confusion "me?" I asked, the white haired newbie that was already turned around also looked in confusion

"Nakajima-kun, (L/n)-Chan is one of the best children in this orphanage, so listen to anything she tells you, understand?" Rosella-san turned to Atsushi, her tone was colder than the one she was talking to me with. Atsushi just nodded as he tightened his grip on his white tiger plushie "will you, (L/n)-Chan?" She asked as i immediately averted my eyes from the newbie and looked up at her "Yes! i will!" I said loudly with a happy tone as i smiled, Rosella-San let out a small chuckle "very well, i hope you two will be good friend" she walked to the door but was interrupted by The newbie, Atsushi.

"W...wait" he said hesitantly, Rosella-San stopped and looked at him over her shoulder "what is it, Nakajima-kun?" She asked as if she didn't expect him to ask something "w...where bag?" He muttered out shyly, he talked like he was scared of the headmasters though he just entered here, maybe he was just shy "inside the bag was nothing but old cloths, the orphanage will give you new ones same as everyone's. You don't need the old ones anymore" and with that she left.

I looked back at Atsushi who was looking down. I wanted to bright the atmosphere up so i walked to him "you're Nakajima Atsushi right?" At first he backed off a bit but nodded "i'm (L/n) (Y/n), nice to meet you" I said cheerfully as i gestured my hand to him for handshakes. Even though i tried to be friendly the most, i sensed an expression on his face, was he scared? Of what? "Hey you don't need to be afraid you know? Rosella-San is always like this" i told him, he looked at me as if he was less scared now, i smiled as we walked downstairs.


"So where do you want to see first?" I asked him smiling, he looked at me, then down "I don't know" my face dropped by his answer but a better idea popped in my mind "if that's so, then i'll choose where to show you first" I said happily and before he could say something, i grabbed his hand and ran to different areas of the orphanage.

"This is the big dinning table"

"This is the play room"

"This is the grassy garden, everyone usually play here"

"And this is where chickens are" i showed him almost everywhere and now we were in front of the chicken's cage in the garden. This was my favorite part of the orphanage since i could look at the chickens. I looked at Atsushi who was just admiring almost everything the whole time, his purple-yellow eyes shining in admiration, i smiled "don't they come out?" He asked as he was looking at the chicken's in cage "I want to touch their feathers too, but no. Rosella-San said it's forbidden to open the cage's door" I chuckled at the first part of my sentence

"O-oh i see, is that a rule too?" he asked looking at me in confusion "I don't know, Rosella-San never said it's a rule. She told me the chickens are for special occasions, and they kill one of them for lunch or dinner on every one, it's so mean" I said in sad tone, he didn't say anything but looked down, it was obvious he became sad, i didn't want to ruin the mood so i changed the subject "hey, let's go to where everyone plays in garden" I said as i grabbed his hand, running to the place.


We sat on a bench in the garden watching the others playing, i wanted to play with them too but I couldn't leave my new friend alone. i looked at him to ask if he wanted to play too but my attention drove to his white tiger plushie in his hands "you have cute tiger plushie over there" I told him smiling, it must be dear to him since he never let go of it since he arrived "th-thanks" he looked at me then looked down, his cheeks had a slight hint of pink "say, Atsushi, do you want to play too?" I asked him excited, he looked at me like he wanted to, but then he lowered his head. My smile faded.

"Hey (Y/n)-Chan, do you want to play?" One of the children called out my name from across the garden with other children gathering behind "i'd love to!" I said smiling, but then I looked back at Atsushi, he seemed a bit sad, i didn't know why, i really wanted to play but i feel bad leaving my new friend behind, so I decided what to say "but let it be another time ok?" I said loud for them to hear in my playing tone, they seemed disappointed but nodded. I sat on the bench beside Atsushi who seemed to didn't expect why i declined playing.

After a few seconds, he spoke "i..i don't know how to play...what if i ruin everything?" He almost buried his face in his tiger plushie, i felt bad but then smiled "it's okay, i'll teach you!" I jumped off of the bench and stood in front of Atsushi, he looked up at me and smiled "R..really!?" He asked with a hint of joy in his voice "yup! First, you have to--" "(L/n)-Chan" I was about to explain the game but I was interrupted when i heard a voice calling me from not so far, i looked back, it was Rosella-San walking to our direction, holding her pocket clock up

"It's time for the morning exercise" she said, i groaned but didn't refuse "i'm comiing" I said, before i walk to her, i turned to Atsushi "i'll be back ok? Stay here" I smiled at him, he smiled back and nodded as i walked to Rosella-San.

Author's POV

After the (h/c) haired girl was out of sight with the headmaster, the certain white haired boy saw shadows coming to him, he looked up as he saw the other children gathering around him.

"So you're the new child who arrived today, the albino of the orphanage"

Tiger Lily (Child! Atsushi x Child! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now