Chapter.7 : The Girl and the Tiger

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(Y/n)'s pov

I looked out of the window, the moon was extremely shining to the point i couldn't take my eyes off of it. I looked down just to have a quick sight of garden.

But I couldn't believe what i was seeing.

I was about to yell but both my hands immediately moved to my mouth and covered it, silencing my own incoming scream that was about to wake everyone up. I looked down again to make sure it wasn't delusion. And it wasn't! The certain white tiger was here! Walking in the garden as it was shining beneath the moonlight.

After a few seconds, i wasn't scared anymore. i kept looking down at the tiger, yeah i was scared to go down and appear in its sight but that tiger didn't seem that scary...It was walking calmly and looking around, as if it was searching for something.

I still didn't know how it managed to break into the garden of orphanage, i think that was the source of the sound i heard earlier but that doesn't matter. Now that i think, i hope Atsushi is asleep. We can go to garden another time.

What if he is awake and waiting for me and doesn't know the tiger is here? Right now, no one knows it's here, not even headmaster and staff. The only one that knows the tiger is here, is me

I tip-toed to the door and once i was out of room, i silently rushed down the stairs. I wanted to find Atsushi and let him know the tiger is here, if he was awake. That was, until i realized one of the Windows was half open.

I quickly walked to the window, luckily i could reach it. I looked out of it, afraid that the tiger would jump into my face, but it didn't. I looked around to make sure no one was there then i pulled myself up the window edge. The main door was locked so my only option was the window.

My back hit the grassy ground, i quickly stood up and dusted myself. As much as i was scared, i was able to take a step. I kept walking slowly and looking around, but i saw no sign of the tiger. It was like the ground has opened the mouth and ate it. I looked around and saw the certain tree that was a few feet away from me. I began walking towards it but stopped when i heard a low, scary roar, and multiple sounds of chickens!

I became frozen in my place, i could feel my face getting cold by my own sweat. The roar i heard definitely belonged to a dangerous animal, the sounds of the chickens was the evidence, that was enough for me to know...

The tiger was still here

I quickly walked to the tree and hid behind it, slowly peeked my head to the side and saw the tiger break the cage of the chickens and attacked them. Poor chickens had no time or chance to survive. Their feathers was falling out of the tiger's mouth. Red liquid began to appear on the ground and in the cage and some white feathers, which sure was blood.

I watched in horror as i grabbed my mouth. I was afraid, i felt poor for the chickens. I was told the chicks are about to hatch out by next week. M-maybe if i hurry and inform the headmasters, they would stop it before it eat all the chickens!

I immediately took one step backwards, then i felt i just stepped on a wood as it broke, causing a quick, low sound. And it didn't go unheard by the tiger. As it stopped in its tracks, due to his head was titled up a bit.

I felt everything stopped for a moment, before observing what just happens as i quickly hid behind the tree. My heart was jumping out of my chest as i though at this point, i was about to die because of panic attack. I tried not to let my cloth material be seen from behind the tree.

I couldn't see but i could feel the tiger has turned around and is walking to my direction. It couldn't see me but....were the tigers good at smelling? If so, then i have no chance 'damn damn damn why did i even come down here?' I wanted to curse myself for doing such stupid thing. The tiger let out yet another low scary raor, and i could tell, it was getting nearer

Tears began to roll down my cheeks '-please don't come please don't come please don't come PLEASE DON'T COME!' I yelled inside of my head as i shut my eyes closed, waiting to be pushed against the ground and be eaten.

But the terrifying scenario never came as i heard a frightened scream.

"TIGER!! THE TIGER IS HERE!!" I turned my head to the direction of the voice as i saw Louis, one of the children that screamed. I noticed the tiger was also looking at the window. And in next moments, we were surrounded by the orphanage's members

The tiger let out a loud roar as it almost jumped to attack everyone.

But it was pulled back by an animal muzzle

They were pulling it back while throwing thick ropes around it. Trapping it in the place as it was struggling to break free.

I watched as i felt someone grabbed my forearm and pulled me away of the tiger, that was no other than Rosella-San. "What are you doing here, (Y/n)!?" She asked as if she was about to cry, but i answered nothing as i turned my head to look at the tiger.

Author's pov

The white tiger was desperately struggling not to hit the ground as it was sinking its claws in the ground, they couldn't compeletly force it hit the ground. But that was enough to prevent it from attacking.

After a few seconds, a man walked to the tiger as he stepped out of the shadows. Hands locked behind with an emotionless expression on his face. He was recognized by the (h/c) haired girl, he was no other than Atsushi's headmaster.

The little girl wondered why Atsushi's headmaster was here and not with Atsushi? She thought Atsushi is safe due to his absence in the garden, which means he was inside in his so-called room, sleeping peacefully.

Little did she know, that was just what she thought

"So it's you again" said the certain headmaster in monotone voice, the tiger frowned even more at the middle-aged man, looking up in anger with yellow eyes. He then walked to the corner and picked up something, it was a thick long wood and walked to the tiger.

"You should have seen this coming" with that, he raised the wood and in next moment, the tiger let out a loud roar as everyone covered their ears. The man kept hitting the tiger and the tiger kept roaring loudly, like it was asking for help.

Blood roll down his eyes as he was looking angrily but poorly at the man, yet the man had no emotions in his eyes. The (h/c) haired girl watched in horror, for some reason she felt sad by the sight in front of her. to her, it was like the tiger was asking for help and telling the man to stop, and she wanted to help!

"S-stop it" she muttered, no one heard

"S-stop it!" She said a bit louder, but fell in deaf ears

"S-STOP IT!!" she didn't realize she yelled as she found herself running towards the tiger, but was soon pulled back by her headmaster "don't go, (L/n) (Y/n)!" Yelled Rosella, but the girl didn't pay attention as she was struggling to run to tiger.

"STOP IT, DON'T YOU SEE YOU'RE HURTING IT!?" She yelled as tears rolled down her cheeks. The woman known as Rosella crouched down and hugged the girl from behind while the girl was looking at the tiger, crying.

The tiger looked tiredly at the girl, before receiving another hit on the head. The tiger lost his strength and hit the ground, his yellow eyes landed on the girl before blacking out.


A/n : hii, i hope y'all enjoyed the new chapter ^^ also, this story has almost 300 reads! Thanks to all the readers I appreciate it ^^

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