Chapter 9

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At about five p.m., I awoke to being lightly shaken. I groaned quietly in annoyance and cracked open my eyes, glaring at whoever it was that was shaking me.

"Get up, Yoongi. There is a young man here to see you." My dad's voice said. I groaned again, but obediently sat up, knowing not to disobey my no nonsense dad.

"Who is it?" I complained as I rubbed my eyes. I squinted them at him, before I looked behind him to see a sheepish looking Jimin standing there. I frowned as my dad walked away, leaving me here with Jimin. My dad closed the door behind himself, while I stared at Jimin. I felt a pang in my chest whenever he came over to me with a slight limp. I stared blankly at him, knowing exactly what the limp was from. He sat down on the bed next to me and gently felt my forehead. I didn't even think to shy away from him when he did, and ended up letting him check my temperature.

"It doesn't feel like you have a fever..." He mumbled to himself, before he showed me a bag he had. "I got you some snacks. Would you like them?"

"...No." I mumbled. He frowned at my words, but obediently nodded.

"So...what do you think made you sick earlier? Was it something you ate?" He tilted his head curiously.

It was you.

"Yeah, probably..." I mumbled. "I might have eaten something bad during lunch..."

"Oh. So it's probably food poisoning?" He questioned.

No, it's a broken heart.


"Did you take any medicine?"


"And you rested well? Have you vomited anymore?"

"No and no. I wanted to sleep more, but you're here now." I mumbled grumpily.

He giggled at my words, and pat me on the head. "I'm sorry, hyung. I was worried about you."

My heart fluttered.


"I'm sorry I made you worry." I mumbled.

He smiled at me. "It's okay, so long as you're okay. Do you feel better now?"

As in do I feel sick anymore? No I don't. Do I feel better emotionally? No again.

"Yes." I lied.

He hummed, and my breath hitched whenever he hugged me. "That's good. It was weird going to classes alone again. Are you gonna be at school tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Though I really don't want to be.

"Good! Do you think you feel well enough to come to my birthday still...?" He tilted his head and gave me a small smile.

I don't really want to go anymore.

"Yeah, I'll be there, princess." I mumbled. I mentally beat myself up for using that nickname that he'd been called when he was having sex with that other guy--

Wait, was that why he liked me calling him princess? Because it's his kink?

My face must of turned into one of disgust, because Jimin looked at me with a confused expression.

"What's wrong, hyung? Do you feel like throwing up again?"

I shook my head. "I thought I might, but I don't. Don't worry." I lied.

The innocent-but-not-so-innocent boy believed me and smiled. "Oh. Should I move so you can race to the bathroom if you need to?"

"No, you're fine." I won't throw up. I haven't eaten anything for me to throw up.

"Okay, but if you suddenly feel the need to throw up..." He gave me a look.

If I suddenly feel the need to throw up, I will aim and projectile vomit all over you, just to show you how I feel about you right now.

No I won't, because I love you.

No I don't. I just have a schoolboy crush on you. I don't know what love is.

But if you try to make a move on me while I'm 'sick', I WILL vomit on you.


Whenever he noticed my lack of response, he gave me a little smile. "Are you tired hyung?"

I glanced at him. "Yes." I mumbled. Why wouldn't I be?

"Oh. You can go back to sleep if you want to then. I came to check on you and to get my clothes from yesterday and give you back your uniform." He said, and I hummed.

"But you're still wearing it."

"Your mom said she started to wash my clothes earlier today and they're almost done in the dryer, so I'm gonna change into them when they're done." He explained, and I nodded.





I stared at him quietly as he awkwardly looked around my room, obviously feeling the air getting tense. It was then that I had an idea.

"Hey, princess?" I called, and he looked down at me curiously with a smile.

"Yeah?" He replied, and I gave him a not-so-innocent smile.

"I noticed you were limping when you were walking earlier. What happened?" I asked, and I saw him visibly freeze. I mentally smirked at him, but remained poker faced on the outside.

"O-Oh. I accidentally hurt my foot earlier." He mumbled.


"Really? Let me see. Did you sprain your ankle or anything? Which foot is it?"

He looked nervous whenever I began to inspect his feet. He was then that he began to pretend--by faking a wince whenever I gently turned one of his feet. "H-Hyung..." He whined. "That hurt..."

No it didn't, you liar.

"It did? I'm sorry, princess." I said, and gently rubbed his foot with my thumb as I held it. "How did you hurt your foot?"

"While I was dancing earlier. I accidentally landed wrong." He explained, and I hummed.

"Is this gonna effect your practices for awhile?"

"Maybe." He said, but suddenly changed the subject. "But enough about me. You should go back to sleep. You need to get your rest."

I gave a slight nod, accepting his change in topic.

For now.

I faked a yawn, before I laid down obediently. "Then...good night princess." I said. Jimin smiled at me, and leaned down. He kissed my forehead, surprising me and making me blush a little--to my annoyance.

"Good night hyung. I'll see you tomorrow."

I faked a smile at him, before I closed my eyes and pretended to go to sleep. I was vaguely aware of his presence in my room as he sat on my bed on his phone, until about ten minutes later when my mom came to give him his clothes. I could hear him rustling around in my room getting dressed. I resisted the urge to open my eyes and stare at his naked form by rolling over in my 'sleep'. A few minutes later, he finally left my room.

Now that he was gone, I felt I could finally relax a bit. I sighed and spent some time on my phone. I replied to texts from Namjoon and Hoseok asking where I'd went after lunch, along with the text my mom had sent me earlier that was her asking where Jimin's thong came from. I huffed as I read that, before I put my phone away. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, before I decided to try to go back to sleep. And eventually, I managed.

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