St. Mungo's

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Olivia made her way to St. Mungo's early the following morning—it wasn't too long of a walk from their flat. She was rushing there, moving her feet as quickly as possible, as Fred and George had badgered her with questions of whether she needed an escort or not. Neither of them seemed keen on her leaving on her own, but she managed to convince them—but now she was late. She opened the door to the hospital, pushing all her weight against it and swinging it open. Her tennis shoes made light slapping sounds against the linoleum of the hospital as she made her way through, the receptionist raised her eyebrow at the flustered brunette in front of her.
"Sorry—late—appointment—dr. Finneus?" Olivia gasped breathlessly,
"Just that door there," the receptionist told her, pointing to the room on her left. Olivia nodded, thanked the women, and sauntered into the room—sitting herself down on the bed. She sat silently with her hands in her lap, hoping that she would get good news, and have something nice for Fred to hear.

It wasn't long before Dr. Winston Finneus made his way into the room, Olivia straightened up and smiled, but he returned the smile with a look of sympathy.
"I have some bad news." He told her.
"Have you heard from Olivia?" Fred asked George, it was midday and she wasn't back from St. Mungo's. George furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips,
"No, I haven't—she should be back by now though." George replied slowly.
"I'm going to look for her." Fred said insistently,
"I'll join you, two heads are better than one." George agreed. Fred nodded to his twin, and they closed the shop and set off.

"Can't use magic," "uncertain as to what would happen," "too weak at this time," "it could kill you."
Dr. Finneus' words swirled around Olivias' mind as she wandered around Diagonal Alley. She paid no mind to anything around her, nor did she notice when she walked into people or things. She couldn't use magic, her soul was too weak, it could cause tragic outcomes. And she had no idea as to when she'd be able to use it again, it had already been months, and now she was told in no uncertain terms that she still couldn't use magic except for at great risk to her health. Biting her lip she worried about Fred, what would he think? He'd treat her more gently than he already was, as if she was the most breakable object in the world—and all because Tim kept her asleep and under the imperius curse. Her blood boiled at the thought, her fists closing angrily, nails pressing into the soft flesh of her palms. Olivia walked around for hours, her wand was carelessly held in her hand, until she reached the twin's shop; home. Sighing, she grabbed the door handle, expecting it to swing open, but it was locked.
"Bloody hell." She cursed, throwing her hands up in the air. They were gone, and she couldn't use any enchantments to get in to her own house. Hot tears stung the corners of her eyes and she sat herself down on the steps out front of the shop defeatedly. Willing herself not to cry, she heard a clatter, a bell, and the door open slightly.
"Olivia, right?" A small blonde girl asked. Olivia looked up at Verity and nodded,
"Y-yes. It's Verity, right?" She asked. Verity nodded and smiled, opening the door up and letting the brunette girl inside. "Do you know where Fred and George are?"
"They went out looking for you!" Verity chirped, "but you know, it is your place, so you could've just let yourself in."
"Oh Verity..." Olivia sniffled, looking up at the smiling girl in front of her, "b-but, I can't!"
Verity watched Olivia sob in front of her and rushed over to the girl. She'd only heard about Olivia, but had never seen her. Fred had told her all about the Ravenclaw girl when he'd taken her out so many months prior, but once they found out Olivia was alive, he kept her under lock and key—away from everything, safe from everyone. Verity held the crying brunette in her arms, petrified as to what caused the sudden burst of emotion.
"W-what do you mean, you can't?" Verity asked softly, holding her close.
"I mean that, I can't! I can't use m-m-magic! And I d-don't know until w-w-when!" Olivia's breathing was jagged, her sobs caught in her throat. "Fred will be so unhappy..."
"Fred won't care as long as you're safe." Verity soothed, "it won't matter to him if you can't use magic or not,"
Olivia pulled away and looked into the beautiful blue eyes of the girl comforting her,
"It was you that he dated, while he thought I was dead, wasn't it?" Olivia realized, relieved that he'd found someone so kind. Verity's face flushed and she nodded mechanically, not wanting to upset Olivia any more than she was. "I'm glad he found someone so comforting—and nice."
Olivia laid her head back against Verity's shoulder,
"I-thank you. We hardly went out... it was—two—maybe three dates. And he could only talk about you." Verity explained, hoping still not to upset her.
"It doesn't matter... thank you. For everything... but, if you don't mind, can you send them a Patronus? Saying I'm here, and I'm fine... I can't." Olivia brushed away the tears on her face. Verity nodded,
"Of course."

"She's upstairs, but... look... she didn't get the best news and—HEY, FRED WAIT—" Verity called after Fred who bounded upstairs as soon as she said anything that was wrong,
"No, she's been missing all day, and you've just said she didn't get good news!" Fred called, halfway up the stairs.
"WAIT, you don't know what's wrong! Let me explain first—she's too upset to talk anymore about it than she already has." Verity demanded, voice with a slight edge to ensure he'd stop and take Olivia's feelings more into consideration. George had been waiting calmly, in front of her the entire time. They heard stomping footsteps making their way down the stairs and then Fred's impatient face came into view.
"So, what is it?"

Fred sat across from George at their dining room table, both unsure of what to do. Verity had told them all about what the doctor said, how Olivia couldn't get into the shop, and how she'd cried on her for quite some time. Verity had helped her into bed, and waited until she fell asleep, calling the boys after she'd calmed Olivia down.
"It could be worse, mate." George told his brother, and Fred stared up at him,
"How? How could it be worse? She can't protect herself! She spent the entire day out, and if Tim had tried to grab her? Or another deatheater? She'd be gone, or dead, or worse." Fred cried exasperatedly, he held his face in his hands, dragging them off annoyed.
"But, we know that. She told us. She could've kept it a secret, but we know. And we can keep her safe." George replied, trying to calm Fred down.
"She'll hate it." Fred sighed,
"But she'll have to deal with it. There's no other way." George said. They looked at each other understandingly,
"I'm just worried she'll try and do something... she'll try and use magic and she'll get sick—or—or worse." Fred explained,
"So we make sure that she doesn't get or need the opportunity to." George replied again, calmly. He was remaining calm for his brother, but in reality he was just as worried. Olivia had always been headstrong, and top of her class, to tell her she couldn't use magic? It seemed impossible. She'd already been antsy the past few weeks that she couldn't use it, he couldn't imagine her going longer than another month. Fred was right to worry, but, he did his best to keep his brother as calm as he could.
"Good morning, love," Fred cooed to Olivia, he was holding a tray of toast, eggs, and waffles. The smell roused her from sleep, and she smiled at the sound of his voice. He'd slipped into bed unnoticed the night before, and she knew that Verity must've told both he and George about her diagnoses. Still, he seemed to be in quite a good mood as her eyes fluttered open to see a sly smile on his lips.
"G'mornin'" she yawned, sitting herself up on her elbows, "that looks amazing."
"hopefully it tastes amazing." He smiled again. Olivia sat herself up properly, balancing the tray on her lap.
"Mmmmm," she crooned, taking her first bite, "it does."
"I'm happy to hear, love."
She ate happily, and Fred watched her dotingly, passing her the glass of juice every so often, and grabbing her more toast when she asked. As she finished up she frowned,
"Verity told you what the doctor said, I reckon?"
"Yes, she did." Fred answered solemnly, his smile fading.
"And you're worried about me, I reckon?"
"Yes, I am." He answered again.
"Because I can't defend myself, without maybe dying?" She said, the last word hitting her hard. Freds' body had a knee jerk reaction to the word dying as well.
"You're not dying." He insisted, standing up to gather the dishes.
"Not yet." She replied glumly. But she looked up and wished she'd stayed quiet, watching the expression of despair crossing Fred's face. "I'm sorry—I didn't mean—"
"You're not dying." He said again, a pleading demand.
"Okay." She answered cautiously. "But—"
"—but nothing." He said flatly,
"I can't use magic."
"No, you can't."
"I should move back home." She said, thinking out loud.
"This is your home." Fred stated,
"But you and George can't possibly be alright with being solely responsible for my safety at all time? With deatheaters traipsing around everywhere and the world where it is? Mum and dad—and Oliver, they would—"
"I'm sure they'd love to have you back, love. But I'm not letting you, my wife-to-be, out of my sight." He walked towards her, kissing the tip of her nose as he finished his sentence.
Wife-to-be, she pondered, he was right.
"And you're alright with having a muggle wife?" She asked jokingly, a hint of bitterness in her throat.
"I'd love to have a muggle wife, especially if it's you." Fred whispered into her ear, "and don't be daft, love, it's not forever."
Forever hung in the silence, both uncertain as to what that meant, or if it was true.
"You're right," Olivia smiled, breaking the awkwardness of the word, "it can't be forever."
"Right." Fred replied, uncertainly. They watched each other, the severity of reality washing over them, but still—they smiled.
"Verity was very nice... she must think I'm mad." Olivia said slowly,
"She doesn't think you're mad, she was quite understanding."
"I should apologize..."
"She wouldn't accept it."
"Right... alright." Olivia sighed,
"Yes, Freddie?"
"I do have to tell you about the plan for next Friday."
"For Harry?"
"Yes, and now, well, we know you can't come. So, you need to be alright with that..." Fred spoke deliberately, softly, trying desperately not to fluster her.
"Right... well, tell me what the plan is."
Hello all!

I am SO sorry I haven't updated—I know it's been a HOT minute.
I just moved in with my husband this month, and we didn't have internet for two weeks, and I'm just in the middle of midterms and papers. I PROMISE, I will update regularly again!! I'll probably post another chapter before the weekend.

Thank you as always for your continued support! You guys are AMAZING!!

(This is unedited, but I wanted to get it out ASAP)

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