A Snake and a Raven

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Timothy Macnair was just trying to get his work done, he had never been more confused in his life, but Arithmancy was getting to be too much. He was the only one in his group of friends that had gotten high enough O.W.Ls to take this level, and begrudgingly thought about how Alice and Teddy were probably laughing at him from their free period. Timothy wasn't anticipating a fuming Ravenclaw to slam her books down beside him, sit down, and cross her arms with her jaw set sternly.
"Uhm—" he started, Olivia snapped her head towards him, eyes like fire.
"I'm sitting here." She seethed through her teeth.
"Right. That's fine." He said honestly, he hadn't had anyone to sit with, and perhaps she'd be able to help him with his homework—she was a Ravenclaw after all. Well, once she calmed down at least. He knew who she was, she'd attacked Draco once, and all of Slytherin house had been subject to his groans about her for the weeks following. "I think whatever Draco did, he probably deserved it." He told her quietly.
Olivia raised her eyebrow and looked over at the Slytherin beside her, a slight smile tugging at her lips. He was in most of her classes, and mostly kept to himself, but she didn't know anything else about it.
"Olivia Wood." She said finally, stretching her hand out. His met hers and they shook hands,
"Timothy Macnair, but Tim is fine."
"Noted." She told him, turning her attention back to Professor Vector. Tim watched her scribbling notes down while solving the problems seemingly effortlessly, and struggled to keep up. Olivia noticed this, but still was unsure what to make of the friendly Slytherin that she'd just been acquainted with. By the end of the class he was scores behind what they'd done and as she was packing up she met his eyes, "look, I study in the library most Thursday evenings after dinner. If you'd like some help with Arithmancy, you can come."
She walked away before getting a response, and Tim watched her nestle herself under Fred Weasley's waiting arms in the hallway, before walking away. She's quite nice, he thought, I've made a new friend.

"Why weren't you sitting with Cho and Marietta?" Fred asked. Olivia looked up at him and frowned,
"Marietta is a bloody idiot—that's why."
"What happened?" He asked, Olivia looked at him again,
"She said we were bound to break up again." She said sullenly,
"She's always been a bit of a weird one." Fred sighed annoyed, "perhaps she's upset that you and Cho both have people and she doesn't."
"No, she's just awful. I don't even know why we're still friends." Olivia fumed,
"Well she—" Fred tried, hoping Olivia wouldn't just cut her friend of six years off completely.
"And she's never liked you! Never kept quiet about it either."
"No Fred, not anymore. I'm not dealing with it anymore, and another thing, I—"
Olivia was cut off by his lips, and then felt his hands on either side of her face. He pulled away slowly,
"It doesn't matter what she thinks, love. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks." He kissed her sweetly again, "just us."
Olivia smiled at him, forgetting everything that she had been upset about, his eyes made all of her anger dissipate.
"Mhmmmm," she said into his lips, letting one of her hands curl into his hair. She pulled away from him and smiled, "I reckon I might've made friends with a Slytherin today."
"A Slytherin?" Fred asked, "which one?"

"You're really going to study with her?" Alice asked Tim, eyeing Olivia across the Great Hall at the Gryffindor table. The Ravenclaw was sandwiched between both twins and laughing at something that someone had said. She was so cheerful, emotional, Alice wondered how she and Tim had even met.
"I think it's great!" Teddy said, "she's smart, very smart. Maybe she'll let you copy her homework."
"That's true, I guess." Alice mumbled.
"I just think she wants to help, and I'm going to let her. Arithmancy is hard," Tim explained,
"Well, just don't let Draco see you." Alice raised her eyebrows and motioned towards the platinum blonde boy that sat far down the table from them.
"I'll try my best." Tim said, getting up from the table. He met Olivia's eyes across the Great Hall and smiled warily, she met his smile and he saw her searching for her bag. She shot to her feet, kissed Fred quickly on the head and waved goodbye. Tim tried to make sure that he left not directly after her, so as to not raise suspicions from his house. Fred watched as Tim walked sheepishly out of the Great Hall and chuckled,
"Only Olivia could find the one shy Slytherin."
"He does look a bit jumpy," George agreed, watching Tim leave. Fred smiled, then let his eyes stray to where a gloomy looking Cho sat with a very upset looking Marietta. He frowned, looking back down to his plate of food, knowing that Olivia would need to mend things with them if she wasn't going to be so lonely when he and George left.

"There's a seat here," Olivia whispered to Tim as he entered the library.
"Th-thanks," Tim said, seeing that Hermione Granger was also seated across from them. Hermione looked up from her textbook and eyed the Slytherin boy suspiciously before resuming her reading. Olivia had all of her Arithmancy notes and books out, then took Tim's notes from him and looked over them for a while in silence. Tim shifted uncomfortably in his seat as she scoured his work for errors, finally drawing in a deep breath and turning to him,
"I think I know what you're having trouble with."
"Oh?" He asked, sitting up straighter.
"It's here." She said pointing down to one equation. Tim listened intently as she explained what he'd been doing wrong, and how to grasp the concept. They worked through some problems together before he finally understood what she'd been saying. By the time they were done with their homework it was nearly eleven o'clock. "Hermione, we ought to get going."
Hermione yawned and nodded in reply, gathering up her things sleepily, while Olivia and Tim followed suit. He noticed how daintily she packed her things, every movement thought out and deliberate. She had a scar on her right hand, it started at her thumb and disappeared beneath her jumper. Then another scar on her left, a neatly scrawled Cedric Diggory was murdered, in her own writing. He knew that Umbridge must have used a blood quill on her, she favoured the Slytherins and he'd never had to use one, but he knew how she made everyone else. He remembered watching her hysterically scream for Cedric, he had laughed, thinking she'd gone crazy. He remembered Alice reenacting her hysterics until... Harry came back with Cedric. A very much dead Cedric, and he didn't think he'd ever forget the wail that escaped her lips. Such a terrible and loud sound for such a beautiful and tiny girl. He was lost in thought, not noticing the strange looks he was getting from Olivia and Hermione.
"Is he alright?" Hermione whispered, Olivia shrugged and walked over to him, lightly tapping him on the shoulder.
"Are you ready to go?" She asked, Tim snapped out of his trance and quickly stuffed his things in his bag,
"Yes, definitely." He said. The three walked out of the library together, and parted ways at the stairs—Slytherin house was in the dungeons. Tim watched Hermione and Olivia disappear up the stairs and made his way down to his house.

"How was studying with the snake?" Fred asked once Olivia was snuggled into his arms, they were laying in his bed together.
"Good, he was quite quiet actually," Olivia yawned, "you know, not all Slytherins are awful. He seems... nice even."
"Good, that's good, love." Fred told her, kissing her lightly on the head. "I didn't mean anything by it."
"I know,"
"I'm glad you're making new friends."
Olivia looked up at him quizzically,
"Yea... me too," she said slowly, wondering what he wasn't telling her. "Is there something you need to say?"
"Just an idea, really..." Fred gulped awkwardly,
"Well?" Olivia sat up, folding her arms across her chest,
"Georgeandithoughtwemightleaveschoolearly," he said quickly, Olivia furrowed her brows,
Fred took a very deep breath, "George and I thought, it might be good, to start the business. Leave school early. We found a shop on Diagon Alley and—" his voice quivered, and he refused to meet her eyes. He thought she'd be terribly upset, angry, and yell. But she surprised him when she dove onto him, crushing him in a hug,
"Fred, that's wonderful!" She squealed, cutting him off, "were you afraid I would be mad?"
"Well, I—er, I'm just—I guess that—I just, I thought—" he stumbled over all of his words,
"I know we only just got back together, but I support you Fred." She said softly, "in your dream, always."
Fred looked at her, only able to see her outline in the darkness. He knew the exact expression that she must have had on her face.
"You're perfect." He told her, holding her head in his hands. He kissed her urgently, needing every part of her as close to himself as possible. Olivia leaned into him, letting herself be pulled into his body, feeling the cotton sheets against her skin as they moved together.
Olivia laughed as she walked into the Great Hall with Fred, her hand clasped around his tightly. She wore his jumper loosely overtop of her Ravenclaw dress shirt and tie. One sock hanging loosely around her ankles and the other up at her knee. Not only had they woken up late—which had contributed to her disheveled look; but since they woke up after everyone had left, Fred had Olivia had taken advantage of having the room to themselves—which was the main contribution to the disheveled look.
"Nice of you two to join us." George winked as they sat down next to him,
"Wonder what took you so long?" Lee snorted, mouth full of eggs.
"Shush up all of you," Olivia cooed annoyed,
"Yea, don't be so jealous." Fred replied haughtily, pulling Olivia close against him and kissing her sloppily on the head.
"It's unbecoming on you." Olivia joked, turning her nose up at George and Lee. The four fell into a fit of laughter, annoying a fair amount of the Gryffindors with their antics, but not having a care in the world.

Tim watched as Olivia and Fred walked into the Great Hall. Her hair was askew, as was his, and their clothes looked like they'd been hastily thrown on. Alice watched her friend,
"That's not your typical Ravenclaw." She sneered,
"How do you mean?" Teddy asked looking over,
"She's very smart." Tim said,
"But in a relationship with a Gryffindor—a Weasley, at that?" Alice raised her eyebrows,
"To be fair, she was much more serious when she was with... Diggory." Teddy spoke Cedric's name slowly and with a slight reverence.
"I'm just saying look at the state of her," she motioned towards the Ravenclaw girl giggling away at the Gryffindor table before rearing back on Tim who was staring after her, "you had better not do anything stupid like fall in love with her."
"I'm not in love with her, Alice, simmer down." Tim replied to his friend,
"And I'm just saying, don't." She warned curtly. But as she watched his expression soften every time he looked in Olivia's direction, she knew it might already be too late. Teddy shot her a sympathetic look, then looked at Tim,
"She's right, mate. She and that Weasley are quite obsessed with one another by the looks of it."
"I'm not in love with her." Tim told his friends again, shifting his gaze from the Gryffindor table to the plate in front of him,
But I think I may like her, he thought guiltily. He caught a glimpse of her again and felt a pang of jealousy as Fred Weasley lifted his arm around her shoulders and kissed her.
You guyyyyys, I had SUCH bad writer's block and I'm thriiiiving now!
I am so excited to write some new characters too!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter—it's a bit different but necessary for the story :)

Hope everyone is keeping well and staying healthy!

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