Wedding Night

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It was bitterly cold, the wind whipping against all their faces as they stood solemnly. Harry was lowering the house elf's body into the grave he'd dug only moments before. Olivia tried not to move, Fred had a tight grasp of her hand, she thought he might think she would make another run for it and it was the only thing she could think of the abide the worry he must be facing.

Sand was stirred up, some of it sticking to her face due to the tears of losing someone who'd saved her. She might not have known the elf as closely as Harry had, but she knew that he should not have died and she owed him and his memory her life. Watching everyone around her, she turned slightly to Hermione, locking eyes. They both seemed to understand what the other was saying. Olivia knew that she couldn't tag along with the trio any longer--no matter how helpful she was. Her memory was getting too clouded, and she couldn't risk it, no one knew how to fix it or what would happen if she continued on the way she was. The slight, curt, nod she gave to Hermione was understood.

Fred watched Olivia throughout the entire funeral procession, out of the corner of his eye, but he saw the looks exchanged between her and Hermione. He wasn't quite certain what it meant, but he knew that the two witches were agreeing on something, and he had to know what.

Olivia and Fred were the last ones the leave, other than Harry. Olivia gave the raven-haired boy a quick squeeze on the shoulder and offered her condolences again, tears and sand dried to her face by now.

"Sorry mate," Fred offered, Harry pressed his lips together and nodded slightly. Olivia held Freds hand firmly as he led her upstairs to the room he'd been sharing with George--who had kindly left the room empty, wanting to give the newlyweds their space. Olivia timidly crept around the room, looking at the things that Fred had packed for her--even without knowing whether he'd see her again. She rummaged through the bag softly, and pulled out a picture she didn't quite remember. She was sleeping, against a strikingly handsome brunette boy who was sleeping also. Her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Cedric." she murmured, moving slightly against the weight of Fred taking a seat next to her on the bed.

"Yea, love.  That's him," Fred nodded, taking the photo from her gingerly, "you told me this was his favourite photo... you always hated it."

"I imagine because I look ghastly in it." Olivia tried to smile, but the thought of not remembering such a conversation--or thought--had transpired affected her greatly.

"At his funeral," Fred cleared his throat awkwardly, "ehm--well, you sat in his room and stared at this photo. I found you, and you, well, you told me that."

Olivia looked up at Fred,

"Harry and Ron told you about my memory, yea?"

Fred nodded, Olivia sighed,

"I--" she started,

"--look, love." Fred interrupted, he shifted slightly and held out his hands to hers, clasping them securely in his, "I won't lie. I'm furious with you. I can't describe how awful it felt... watching you leave. I didn't know where you were, if you were safe... healthy... alive? Wood, you--"

"--It's Weasley." Olivia interjected quietly,

"What?" Fred asked,

"It's, well, erm," Olivia stuttered, "I know you're furious. But you said 'Wood,' and well, we were just married and... Fred, it's, well, it's not Wood anymore. It's Weasley."

Fred watched the very frail girl stammer, blushing madly and brushing her hair back behind her ear. He let go of her hands and moved his to her face, cupping it gently between his palms. He smiled, leaning over to kiss her gently on the nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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