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"Ced, are you sure about this?" A young girl with long brown hair whispered to the boy.
"Of course I'm sure, you don't have to worry so much!" He shouted, then softened when he saw her face, "trust me."
"Always, Ced." She giggled and looked down. He snatched the wand from the desk and pressed his finger in front of his lips, she nodded having understood and they crawled out of the room and scurried into the yard. Once free from his home they ran out to a willow tree that hid them from the world. Grasping her right hand with his he cleared his throat and said,
"I, Cedric promise to always love you, Olivia. And-" he winked, "one day to marry you!" He added.
She fell into a fit of giggles, keeping her hand clasped in his. She composed herself when she saw his cheeks flush and cleared her own throat. Timidly she breathlessly whispered,
"I, Olivia, promise to always love you Cedric Diggory." And with that he tapped their clasped hands with the wand they had taken. Both children were surprised when a faint red line wrapped around both of their hands and went up their arms almost reaching their elbows. They looked at each other, eyes widened, and dropped their hands finally.
"Ced, what was that?" Olivia asked unevenly
"Dunno." He replied. Looking back down at her now normal hand she shrugged her shoulders and they walked happily back to the Diggory's house hand in hand. A super secret pinky promise was what she asked for, but Cedric insisted that it would be a stronger promise with magic. Neither knew the consequences of their actions. A girl of nine, and boy of eleven had made a tragic mistake. But they laughed, carefree as they entered the Diggory house.
She awoke on the train and yawned, smiling slightly at the childhood memory from five years ago. Cedric stirred beside her and when his eyes opened she quickly pecked his lips with hers before getting up.
"Sorry I woke you up Ced, but I have to change into my robes. I'll be quick." She winked and snickered to herself when she saw him nod sluggishly before yawning and leaning on Cho to fall back asleep on. She scurried to the bathroom with her robes clutched in her arms, dressed quickly, and made her way back to the compartment that she shared with Cedric, Marietta, and Cho almost reaching it when a sudden cold ran through her veins. The train lurched and her hand shot out to stable herself in order to prevent herself from falling. The lights suddenly shut off and she was drowning in darkness. Not having any time to figure out her next steps she yelped as a hand wrapped itself around her arm and yanked her into a compartment. She moved her head back and forth trying to see anything, making sense of any of the shapes that were around her.
"Who are you?" She hissed, hoping that her fear was inaudible. She tripped over what she presumed was a foot and landed on top of someone.
"Bloody hell!" A boys voice cried, "I'm George Weasley!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry." She shot up, this time losing her balance and fell again onto another lap. Her face flushed and she was glad that it was too dark to see.
"Oi! Who are you?" A new voice piped in, this one was loud and right in her ear as it was the owner of the lap that she had fallen onto.
"Oh, I'm-" she started but stopped when the compartment door opened slightly and a darkly robed dementor towered over her and quite literally took her breath away. She turned towards the boy whose lap she was on and as she whispered, "Olivia." Before she was crumpled into his arms and was enshrouded in darkness, sure that she would never be happy again. The lights came on shortly after and a shabbily dressed professor came to check on them. Fred, George, Angelina, and Lee stared wide-eyed at the girl in Fred's arms. The professor handed Angelina some chocolate, "When she comes to, this will help." Angelina simply nodded and looked to George who turned towards his brother.
"I think that Olivia Wood is in your arms." He slowly said, making eye contact with Fred. Fred met his eyes and then turned back to the beautiful girl with Ravenclaw robes on in his arms.
A short time later her eyes fluttered open. Groaning, she felt as if she had taken a bludger to the head. Startled to hear an unfamiliar voice, she jolted up and regretted it as soon as she did, her vision swimming and eyes not focusing.
"Good morning sleepy head." The voice said. She looked back and forth and saw two identical boys with fiery red hair, Weasley's she thought to herself. She looked at her legs across the lap of one and looking back to the others empty lap she gathered that that was where her head must have just laid.
"I'm sorry," she sheepishly whispered, turning her body so that her legs were back on the ground and her back was flush with the backrest. She looked up at four unfamiliar sets of eyes and quickly looked back down into her hands that were in her lap. After mulling over what to do, she looked up and was surprised to see that one of the twins faces was only inches from her.
"What, uhm- what happened? Exactly...?" She asked quietly.
"Well love," One of the twins started, she did not attempt to discern which it was.
"You looked scared out there, so I pulled you in, but you fell on my dear brother George." The other, must have been Fred, they were quite popular at school and you would have had to live under a rock not to know who they were.
"You then fell on Freddie over here," George nudged her side,
"And then love, you passed out into my arms when the dementor attacked." Fred boasted, puffing his chest out jokingly. She had turned her head so quickly between both of them speaking that she felt dizzy again. The girl in front of her cleared her throat and held out a piece of chocolate for her, "This will help." She smiled.
Olivia took the chocolate and wordlessly stuck it in her mouth, feeling loads better as it melted and the sweetness hit all parts of her tongue.
"Thank you, uhm- I'm sorry, I don't quite know your name?" Olivia looked around and quickly breathed out the last part, "any of you..."
"I told you before, but it's George" he sat up very straight and reached for her hand, she reached her hand over expecting a handshake but he grabbed it and lifted it to his mouth kissing her skin softly. Her eyes widened in shock and she pulled it away and looked at the ground again to hide the blush forming on her cheeks.
"Oi, Weasley! What are you doing? You're too much of a flirt." The other girl scowled and leant down to where Olivia could see her reaching her arm out, "Angelina Johnson" she stated matter-of-factly. Olivia looked up and shook her hand, smiling, "Olivia, Olivia Wood." She spoke softly. Looking to the other twin her breath caught in her throat, he gazed so intensely into her eyes that she thought if they broke eye contact she might shatter into a million pieces.
"That must make you Fred?" She asked breathlessly. He nodded his head, not breaking eye contact for a second. Angelina, Lee, and George looked at one another, eyebrows raised. Don't do this Freddie, George thought, she's spoken for. But knowing that his brother had eyes for her since her very first year at Hogwarts he could only watch as his brother stared at the brunette in their compartment. He saw Olivia reach her hand to his brother and smile shyly as his brother brought his hand up to meet hers.
She felt like she'd been struck by lightning when they touched and almost yanked her hand away, but as his eyes pierced into hers she felt like she would never be able to move again, and that was just fine.
The rest of the passengers in the train car again looked between one another and George rolled his eyes, now this is getting ridiculous. The compartment door whipped open and two flustered brunette boys peeked in.
"Oh Merlin Olive, there you are!" Oliver shouted. She tore her eyes away from Fred finally and rolled her eyes,
"I told you DO NOT CALL ME OLIVE. I am a girl, NOT a FOOD! And I'm called O-Liv-E-Ah" She shouted annunciating all syllables of her name exaggeratedly. All occupants in the compartment were slightly taken aback by the meek girls outburst. Looking up she not only saw her brother but a very suspicious Cedric Diggory eyeing her right hand. She looked down to where he looked, and sure enough it was still clasped in Fred's. She quickly shot up, tearing herself away from the four occupants and smiled at Cedric hoping that he wouldn't ask about what he just saw- she didn't even know what had just happened. Blushing and trying to push the two boys out of the compartment she quickly looked over the group and opened her mouth, "It was very nice to meet all of you. Thank you so much for the chocolate, and, erm, care." And with that she was off.
"Yeh, I'm Lee by the way." Lee scowled as the door closed, "if anyone cares to know." George and Angelina stifled their laughter, but Fred hadn't heard a word of what was said. He looked down to his hand, the one that had held hers and smiled to himself.

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