A Great & Terrible Talk

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Olivia spent the next few weeks in Luna's dormitory with her, not able to take Cho being in her dormitory. Every movement in the school she made she had either Cho, Ginny, or Hermione following her apologizing and trying to make amends. Ginny had to be the worst, she'd constantly tell her about how Fred was doing and Olivia couldn't stand it. She wasn't sure if it was her doing, or his, but they hadn't crossed paths since she'd recovered her memories— and she was thankful for that. She spent most of her time on her own, and if she wasn't by herself then she was with Luna. Cedric watched her from afar, and noticed how pale and thin she had gotten, fighting against his strongest impulses he left her alone—knowing that was what she wanted.
On the outside Fred looked like he was fine, just the same. He'd carefully memorized all of Olivia's schedules and routes, to ensure that they never crossed paths. He knew that what he'd done what was best, but was still wracked with guilt from her voice breaking as she asked how he could have done that to her. George watched Fred carefully, noticing a shift in his demeanour, and insisted he stay with Katie through all of the madness. Olivia would likely never want to see him again, and he was happy with Katie. Fred obliged, more-so because he didn't have the strength for any kind of argument than anything.
It was late May when Olivia ran into Hermione, she was rushing to the infirmary and had tears in her eyes.
"Are you alright?" Olivia asked, noticing the girl had boils all over her hands.
"Bubotuber pus, in hate mail." She said, walking quickly. Olivia fell in step behind her, she was still upset that Hermione hadn't told her about her memories, but genuinely did care for the girl.
"Hate mail? Whatever for?" Olivia asked, pulling her wand out and starting some healing incantations.
"That Skeeter woman! She just-it's from people who believe that garbage." Hermione said shrilly. Olivia nodded even though she hadn't been reading any of the news recently. "Thank you." Hermione said to Olivia, her hands stinging a little less.
"I can't do anything about the look of them, but I hope it hurts less." Olivia sighed apologetically.
She left Hermione in the infirmary and walked back towards her next class. She was putting her wand away when she nearly walked into someone—or rather, two someone's.
"Oh, Merlin, sorry..." she trailed off when she saw Fred and Katie walking hand-in-hand. Freds' face was a ghostly shade of white and Katie looked uncomfortable. Katie knew that Fred and Olivia had a strange history, but no details surrounding any of it, the other Gryffindor had been tight-lipped about anything to do with Olivia, Fred especially. Fred saw Olivia staring at his hand clasped in Katie's and her face harden, she looked up at Katie and feigned a smile, "I really must watch where I'm going." She didn't wait for a response, instead quickly walking around them and out of sight.
Even though Olivia hadn't seen him since she learned the truth, she had hoped that he wouldn't affect her as much as he did— but seeing him there with Katie, hands intertwined, was enough to make her mad. She made her way to the transfiguration classroom that she knew Cedric would be in. She waited quietly for the class to end, standing in front of the door on the other side of the hall.
"Ced," Olivia stammered, trying to draw his attention. Cedric looked around, his eyes opening in disbelief when he saw her.
"What's wrong?" He asked in an urgent tone, taking her arm and ushering her to a more secluded place. George walked out of the class and, having seen the interaction, raised his eyebrows and casually sauntered near where they were.
"Nothing's wrong, I just. I needed..." he heard Olivia say, her voice sounded deep as if she was fighting a sob, "someone."
George heard feet shuffling, and peeked to see Cedric had pulled her into a hug.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked earnestly,
"Let's talk." Cedric said. George watched the two walk away, Cedric's arm around the brunette's shoulders.
"Strange." George said to himself, wondering what had happened to make her come to Cedric.
Olivia and Cedric walked to his dormitory, empty as classes were still going on, and she sat cross-legged across from him on his bed. He breathed in deeply and started to speak,
"I knew something was wrong, my burns had started disappearing, like evaporating off of my arm. When I went to look for you, well, Fred was holding you, but you were covered in blood. Drenched, Olivia. He had blood all over him, a bloody handprint on his face. I've never been more scared. I got mad— I told him he'd kill you."
"Cedric... you didn't..." she brought her hand to her mouth in disbelief, staring into his eyes.
"I did. I was-"
"You had no right to say something like that!" She cried, pulling her face into her hands.
"I was scared Olivia, you looked dead. And I told him, everything. And he asked for a moment with you, to say goodbye. George and I left, and when I came in... you didn't remember him..." Cedric trailed off,
"But you lied to me!"
"But you were safe!" He raised his voice, before quickly collecting his thoughts and watching her earnestly, "What would you have done, if it were me?"
Olivia thought about it, knowing that she would do anything to ensure Cedric's safety.
"I would... I would've kept you in the dark. You're right. But I would've hated it." She relented,
"I did hate it!" Cedric exclaimed, "I hated every second. I hated lying. I wanted to tell you the truth, I've been pouring over books to remedy this situation of ours, I wanted you to be happy. I want you to be happy. And I know that's with him."
"Oh. No, I don't think it is." She replied sourly, remembering his hand in Katie's.
"Olivia, don't be daft."
"I'm not! And anyways, what do you mean you've been pouring over books?"
"I have been trying to find a way out of this for you, so you can live your own life— untethered to mine."
"Cedric, for the last time, I am not stuck-"
"You can't even be mad at me properly for lying to you! That's stuck, Olivia." Cedric hopped off of the bed and started pacing about the room. He was right, she couldn't be mad at him, her arm had burned in a different way that day in the hall. With Cedric, it was a harsh burning, a cold one that she knew would take her life easily and unapologetically.
"Cedric, we can find a way together. Where's that letter from Bill?" She asked, he froze and turned to her slowly.
"That's er, kind of difficult."
"How do you mean? You have it, don't you?"
"That's just it Liv, I er, I gave it to Fred."
George found Fred in the Common Room, looking less relaxed than usual. Where he usually had his legs up and was sprawled across the couch, he sat neatly with his hands in his lap.
"I saw Olivia today." George ventured, waiting for Freds' response. When he didn't make any sound, George continued. "She was with Diggory, said she needed someone, sounded upset."
Fred looked up at his brother and George saw how upset he was.
"I saw her too, I was with Katie. She saw us, and, she just smiled and walked away."
"She smiled?" George gasped,
"Well, Katie thought she smiled." Fred grimaced thinking about the fake smile that Olivia had plastered on her face.
"That's why she came to find Cedric then." George concluded. Fred sighed and leaned back on the couch, his hands in his face before running through his hair.
"I reckon so."
"This is good news, isn't it? It means she still has feelings for you! Yea, probably hate, but that's better than nothing." George tried to comfort his brother,
"Yes, but I reckon any kind of feeling is a detriment to her health." Fred murmured, he got up and walked to their dormitory.
Olivia had left Cedric in his dormitory and had to try and figure out a way to get that letter from Bill, she hoped without having to see Fred. It was in the middle of the day, she figured most students would be in classes, and that Fred would likely be with Katie. She made her way up to the Gryffindor Common Room, carefully hiding herself behind a pillar as the portrait hole opened. An exasperated looking George left, and she took that as a good sign— he certainly wouldn't have left Fred, and was likely going to meet him somewhere else in the school. She stepped out from the pillar once his footsteps dissipated and rolled her eyes at the fat lady who eyed her suspiciously.
"Fairy lights." She said plainly, waiting to enter,
The fat lady sighed and let her in, and Olivia stepped into the common room, carefully looking around before going up the steps to the boys dormitory. She opened the door to the room and bounded in, smiling until she realized that Fred was in the room staring back at her.
"Oh. Hi." She chirped awkwardly. He didn't say a word, and she shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "I, er, I thought you'd be with Katie... or in class. I just wanted the letter that Bill sent, Cedric said he gave it to you."
Fred nodded and rifled through the papers on his nightstand, she walked over to him slowly, trying to keep her distance. He looked up finally and saw her standing in front of him, she was looking down at her feet.
"You were just going to rummage through my things?" He asked, finally speaking. She frowned,
"Well, this is mine."
"But this is my room."
"And this," she snatched the letter from his hand, "is my letter."
"Olivia, I didn't mean to hurt you, you were... I thought that, I thought... I thought I lost you." He blurted, voice breaking on the last word and her face softened. She reached her hand up to his face and spoke gently,
"I have never been yours to lose." Electricity jolted through her at the feel of his skin, but she ignored it— pulling her hand away quickly.
"Do you think you can ever forgive me?" He asked while watching her closely.
"No." She said coldly, "it's better for both of us if I don't."
"Olivia," he started,
"Stop. That's enough, this is enough! I'm sorry to have found you, but I needed this letter. Can we just part ways? Can't we just say that you and I are nothing, you took my memories, and I'm in an unbreakable vow, and we're nothing?" Tears sprung into her eyes and she fought to keep them at bay, "we have to be nothing. You don't need me, I don't need you. Nothing."
"If that's really what you want." He replied stoically. Two tears fell from her eyes and her face was unreadable,
"None of this is what I want."
He watched her go, shutting the door closed quietly behind her. He didn't know what to do, or think, or say, but he knew that they were not nothing and that he, at least, did need her.
Omg you guys, I'm #5 under the fredweasley tag— thank you SO much for reading and your votes!!

So, I've put a lot of thought into it, and I thought that for Olivia, perhaps Emily Rudd would be a good face for her?

So, I've put a lot of thought into it, and I thought that for Olivia, perhaps Emily Rudd would be a good face for her?

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What do you guys think? I think she's pretty Ravenclaw-esque. But anyhow, let me know, and if you have any other thoughts or ideas hmu! :)
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next two should be up pretty soon too!

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