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Olivia had lived down the events from the first day of school after a few weeks and found herself frantically searching for a book in the library, stopping short when she saw it in a pile that a bushy haired Gryffindor girl had on a table. Olivia had been trying to avoid the Gryffindor's, one in particular, and warily made her way over to the girl.
"Scuse' me?" She softly whispered, not wanting to startle the girl. Hermione looked up at the Ravenclaw and furrowed her brown before softening her eyes in recognition.
"Yes?" She said simply.
"I was wondering if once you're finished with that book, I could borrow it?" Olivia asked, smiling warmly at her. Hermione looked down to the book she pointed at, and grabbed it suddenly, nearing knocking over the rest of her pile.
"Oh, of course! I don't need it for a class, it's just for fun!" She laughed. Olivia raised her eyebrows and looked at the young Gryffindor,
"The History of Magic in Europe, vol. 5 is fun reading for you?"
Hermione nodded. Olivia sat across from her and gratefully grabbed the book.
"You're Oliver Wood's sister, right? Dating Cedric Diggory? Fourth year?" Hermione had put her book down and looked up at Olivia expectantly.
"Yea, that's right." Olivia nodded, "And you're friends with Harry Potter?"
Hermione nodded up and down. Olivia wondered why a girl who studied so much was not in Ravenclaw herself but thought it best not to ask. Looking down she saw all kind of books in front of Hermione,
"How many classes are you taking?" Olivia inquired, genuinely curious. Hermione looked at her cautiously before carefully answering,
Olivia let out a breathy laugh and nodded. The girls smiled at one another and went back to studying, chatting occasionally when one got too tired from all the reading. It was almost curfew before they retired to their respective common rooms. But they continued their studying nearly everyday together in the library.
"Since when are you friends with Wood's sister?" Ron asked Hermione following one of their study sessions. Hermione shrugged walking through the common room.
"She's nice, and studies as much as I do." Walking up to the girls dormitories Hermione turned again and said, "she seems like she needs a friend."
"Well she's got a boyfriend." Ron stated, Hermione rolled her eyes.
"That's different Ronald, and from what I gather they don't spend a lot of time together." She disappeared up the stairs.
"Hear that Freddie?" George asked, they had been sitting at the other end of the common room and he had been listening. Fred looked up from his parchment,
"I told you, I don't fancy her so it doesn't much matter what Granger thinks."
George looked at his brother who went back to writing on his parchment and thought after hearing what Granger had to say, there may be hope for Fred after all.
Hallowe'en was the first Hogsmeade trip and Olivia could barely contain her excitement.
"What should we do first?" She beamed, sitting down at the Ravenclaw table at breakfast. Cho looked at her and laughed,
"Well, we all know you just want sweets. So we'll go to Honeyduke's first."
It was true, Olivia had quite the sweet tooth. She smiled at her friends and grabbed a piece of toast from the pile in front of her, chewing it as Marietta and Cho talked about buying new quills and parchment. She looked over to the Hufflepuff table and grinned when she saw Cedric smiling at her. She blew a kiss to him and laughed when he exaggeratedly attempted to catch it, acting as if it was a snitch and was nearly impossible to find.
"I'm going to ask Hermione if she'd like to join us." She said to the girls, Cho and Marietta nodded, both quite liking the clever Gryffindor girl. She sauntered over to the Gryffindor table and tapped the bushy haired girl on the shoulder, she spun around.
"Oh, Olivia! Hello! How are you?" Hermione smiled, surprised that she had come to see her.
"We were wondering if you'd like to join us in Hogsmeade today?" Olivia asked smiling,
"Why would Granger want to third wheel on your date?" Fred asked pointedly, Olivia looked up mouth agape before pressing her lips together in a tight line cheeks flushing with anger.
"I was actually only speaking to Hermione, and by us I meant Cho, Marietta, and I" she spat, looking back to Hermione she tried to smile over her annoyed face, "just meet us at the front if you want to, yea?" And she sauntered towards her brother at the end of the table.
"Frederick, that was very rude." Hermione lectured, Ron and George staring wide-eyed at him as well.
"Well Granger, I was trying to save you from having to watch her and Diggory snog all afternoon. Had I known it was her Ravenclaw friends I would've kept my mouth shut." He replied sharply. He hadn't spoken or seen Olivia really since she had been all bloodied up, and grew quite tired of walking down a hall only to find her and Cedric otherwise engaged. She had tried to speak to him a few times, always holding his jumper in her hands, but he'd gotten quite good at avoiding her.
"Gryffindors are such gits." Olivia huffed as she sat beside Oliver, he looked up at her and raised an eyebrow.
"You know you're sitting at our table, right Liv?"
She looked up at him and sighed, nodding.
"Why do you hate us today?" Oliver asked trying to hide his smile,
"It's those bloody Weasley's." she glared down the table for a moment before pulling her eyes back, "incredibly confusing behaviour if you ask me."
Oliver followed her eyes down the table and tried to pinpoint which she was speaking about, but they all sat together so he shook his head, not able to distinguish who it was that irked his sister so much.
"Yeh, they're all daft." He agreed, hoping to cheer her up. She smiled and looked up at him.
"I agree completely."
"Did she say whether she was joining us or not?" Marietta asked shivering,
"Not quite," Olivia shook her head, "and dress warmer if you're cold!" She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see Hermione.
"Sorry Olivia, but Ron and I are going to see if Harry is able to come- his aunt and uncle didn't sign his form. I'll probably see you there, but might end up going with only Ron." Hermione explained, Olivia nodded and said,
"That's fine, we'll see you there I'm sure." And she set out with her friends.
"Are we meeting Cedric there?" Cho asked Olivia,
"No, he wants to do well on his O.W.L's, so he stayed to study with some friends." Cho nodded and once they had gotten to Hogsmeade Marietta dragged them into Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop. Olivia, Cho, and Marietta split up and went to find their preferred stationary. She had decided on a new set of quills as hers were falling apart, and to pick up an extra quill for Cedric and Hermione. She gave three sickles to the man at the front and found Cho and Marietta still rifling through parchment.
"I'm going to Honeydukes, but don't rush, I'll still be in there when you're done." She told the girls, they nodded paying little attention to her and she left the store. Pulling her scarf more tightly around her neck she trekked over the the sweatshop. When she entered she couldn't stop the grin from forming on her face, she ran straight to the sugar quills and picked up two boxes, trying to find the Fizzing Whizbees next.
"Do you need any help finding something?" A voice behind her asked, she turned around and saw one of the twins. Not sure which it was, and unsure who she'd had a confrontation with that morning she scowled and turned back around.
"Woah, what's the attitude for?" She heard him say. Turning back around she looked him up and down, pursing her lips trying to figure out which one of them it was. He looked back at her confused and then realization crossed his face,
"I'm George, my git twin was the one who you... erm, spoke to, this morning." He said carefully. She nodded and tried to maintain her posture, he towered over her still.
"And what would you like?" She asked.
"Well love, I asked if you needed help finding something." He looked down at her, a smirk on his face. She remembered that she was looking for Fizzing Whizbees.
"No, I'm just looking for some sweets. Fizzing Whizbees. But I'm sure I'll find them. Thanks for your concern." Before she could turn around he reached over top of her and brought down the sweets that she'd just been looking for. "Thank you." She said as he handed them to her.
"Do you want to grab a butterbeer?" He asked, she stared at him questioningly and George was sure she was going to say no.
"Sure!" She sighed, "but I have to pay for these first." She held the boxes up for him to see. Walking to the front with George she paid and they walked to the Three Broomsticks together. George sat at a table, and Olivia glanced around before sitting across from him.
"Is this a prank?" She whispered, George let out a loud laugh and shook his head.
"No! This is just an apology for my brother being such a arse."
Olivia looked at him suspiciously, "Where is he?"
George shrugged, "I lost him in Zonkos. He's probably with Angelina and Lee looking for me."
The butterbeer came to their table and Olivia took a sip, feeling warmth spread through her body.
"So what's with you and Diggory?" George asked abruptly, taking Olivia by surprise she nearly spat out her drink.
"W-what? What do you mean?" She asked, looking at him and raising her eyebrow.
"Well, I mean. You've been together since you were babies? I don't see you two together a lot." He said simply. She pondered that, yes they had been together for ages and no they didn't spend a lot of time together but she didn't know how to answer George. She had never really thought about it like that.
"I don't know." She said very slowly, breathing and then continued, "we have our own lives. He has a big course load and needs to study, O.W.L's this year you know? I'm studying different things. We're in different houses. But he's my very best friend and I don't love anyone like I love him." She said the last part very firmly, unsure of why she was indulging a nosy Weasley with such an earnest answer but she looked him square in the eyes as she said it. George nodded and looked as if he was deep in thought, tilting his head all the way back while finishing off his drink. He set it down and was about to speak when a voice interrupted their conversation.
"Oi! Angelina, I told you he'd be in here!" Fred yelled as he ran over, he looked at his brother but his smile dropped as soon as he saw Olivia. She saw his smile fade and shifted uncomfortably. "What are you doing?" He looked right at George when he spoke, Olivia couldn't read his facial expression but she knew she was not welcome.
"Just leaving." She hissed, slamming some coins down on the table and getting up. She looked towards George, "Thank you," and sauntered out of the pub and into the cold to find Cho and Marietta.
Hey! I've never tried writing a story before, so any feedback is much appreciated. It seems potentially aimless right now, but there's a whole reason behind everything and I have big plans for the story! I'll probably post a few times a week but once the semester at school picks up it may cut down to once a week only. But no less than that :)

Thanks for reading!

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