The First Task

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"We need to study!" Cho whined, pulling Olivia's arm. Olivia was sitting in the Great Hall trying to enjoy her breakfast when Cho arrived and started pestering her about transfiguration.
"Cho, I can't! I have no time, and about a million things to do. Ced can help you, that's his best subject!" She pulled her arm out of Cho's grasp and winced at the pain that Cho had unknowingly inflicted on her burns.
"I suppose..." Cho said slowly, looking over at Cedric. Olivia nodded encouragingly,
"Go on, he'd be happy to help- I'm sure!"
Cho nodded once and then made her way over to the Hufflepuff table, Olivia saw Cedric nod enthusiastically and stand up from the table. She watched as the two shuffled out of the hall together. Olivia sighed and pushed herself up to her feet, Harry had told Cedric that the first task would be dragons and when Cedric told her he'd been more pale than she'd ever seen him. Biting her thumbnail she absentmindedly walked out of the Great Hall and up towards the library, bumping into something on the way.
"Oh sorry!" The girl said, Olivia looked up and felt the blood rush out of her, it was Alicia— who recognized Olivia and shrunk a bit under her gaze.
"Oh, er, it's quite alright. I wasn't watching where I was going." Olivia said quickly, not looking her in the eyes.
"It's rather embarrassing, wasn't it? The way we were... introduced." Alicia said slowly, Olivia met her eyes and moved her head down slightly. Alicia stuck her hand out, "I'm Alicia Spinnet. Your Woods' sister, yeah?"
Olivia nodded and took her hand, "Olivia."
"Pleasure to meet you." Alicia smiled. Great, thought Olivia, of course she's lovely.
"And you." Olivia replied curtly, not wanting to be stuck in conversation any longer.
"Oi! Alicia, have you seen George around anywhere?" A voice bellowed from behind her, Olivia turned to see Fred Weasley running up to them and stop short when he realized she was there. "Hi." He said to her breathlessly, she turned back to Alicia, not replying.
"No, I haven't seen him. Sorry Freddie." Alicia shrugged her shoulders. Olivia felt her blood run cold, Freddie, she'd called him.
"I've really got to go." Olivia insisted, shooting Alicia an apologetic look.
"So have I!" She agreed, smiling. She looked to Fred, "I'll see you tonight?"
That was about all Olivia could take of their exchange, she ducked around both Gryffindors and hastily made her escape. But not before she heard Fred answer Alicia with an, "of course."
Once she knew she was out of sight she ran. She made it into her common room and sprawled out over one of the couches. I should have just bloody studied with Cho.
She spent the rest of the evening pouring over books and spells, trying to find something that could potentially help him in the First Task— and trying to forget about Fred and Alicia.
Cedric was shocked to say the least, Olivia had waltzed into the Great Hall with a wild aura about her the next morning. She sat across from him and he looked at her, taking her all in. Her hair was in a messily made bun at the very top of her head, her eyes looked icy and wild, and she had ink splattered all over her face, hands, and clothes. She had her wand— also covered with ink— in her hand and was waving it around like a lunatic.
"Liv." He said quietly, she jerked back to face him and he noticed her eyes were red and she looked exhausted, "you look like... well, you look a bit dodgy." Was all he could muster. She waved her arm about as if to brush him off and brought a large glass of orange juice to her lips. He watched wide-eyed as she drank the entire thing and stood up suddenly. She wobbled slightly, but caught herself and straightened herself out with determination.
"Ced, let's win you this tournament."
"Olivia, are you quite alright? Did you sleep at all?" He stood up and made his way to her, she looked at him and put her hands on her hips,
"Of c-c-course I'm alright Ced. And no, I was busy!" She yawned and pulled his arm, he noticed she had only one shoe on and frowned.
"Liv, you've really got to sleep."
"I will, but after I tell you what I've found!" She grabbed his hand and rushed him out of the hall and to his dormitory.

"Hermione your friend looks mad." Ron said watching the shoeless girl run into the Great Hall. Hermione looked up and gasped. Olivia looked positively awful.
"What's the matter with her?" Angelina asked cautiously,
"I don't know..." Hermione whispered, watching Olivia's wand twirl about in her hands wildly. Fred had been watching her carefully, not used to seeing her quite so, unhinged. She stood up and nearly fell, Cedric rushed to her and Fred wondered if she was sick. George had noticed her too and had his eyebrows raised. They all watched as she and Cedric left, his eyes growing with concern and hers with laughter.

Cedric had to admit, Olivia's idea was a good one. To transfigure something in order to distract the dragon- it was after all, his best subject. He had tried to convince her to sleep and miss classes that day as she had begun to sound nonsensical the more they spoke, but she simply refused. He walked her to history of magic, and smiled at Cho who was sitting down already. She smiled shyly back and he felt his heart flutter, but pushed it away as quickly as it came and ushered Olivia to her seat.
Nothing quite made sense to Olivia as she listened to Professor Binns drone on.
"Marietta?" She whispered, Marietta looked over at her, "is that a ghost?"
Marietta rolled her eyes and looked at Cho who was trying not to laugh. Marietta nodded slightly to Olivia and looked forward again, continuing her notes. Somewhere between that and the end of class Olivia had fallen asleep, leaving Cho and Marietta at a loss for what to do as they had a class just after.
"Should we leave her here?" Marietta asked,
"I don't reckon we should... what if there's another class?" Cho ventured, Marietta nodded in agreement.
"Are we strong enough to carry her though, or will she wake up?" Marietta wondered, "we'll be late." She added. Cho nodded.
"What's going on?" Fred asked, sauntering into the room. He had a free period and heard Cho and Marietta's frantic whispers from outside the room. He walked in to find them standing on either side of Olivia who was laying on the cover of her textbook, ink still covering her face.
"We don't know what to do with her." Cho motioned towards to sleeping girl, "I don't think she slept at all last night."
"I can deal with it. You go to your classes." Fred insisted, striding over to them. Marietta eyed him suspiciously,
"Don't do anything to her." She hissed, "you and your brothers' bloody pranks."
Fred lifted both his hands in innocence,
"Scout's honour love."
Marietta rolled her eyes and followed Cho out of the room. Fred lifted Olivia out of her seat and held her in his arms. She nestled into his chest and he slung her book bag over his shoulder. He looked down at her and chuckled, the cover of the book had left a mark on her face, he started walking towards his common room.
"Password" the fat lady asked,
"Fairy lights," he replied, the door swinging open with a creak. Olivia stirred slightly, inhaling the smoke and butterbeer scent that was so familiar. He had just entered his dormitory when she sleepily said his name.
He lied her down in his bed, "what is it love?" He asked softly.
"Don't go." She said softly, reaching for his hand. He looked into her eyes, catching his breath at how even with her hair in a knotted mess and ink covering her, head-to-toe, she was breathtaking. He crept into the bed with her and she cuddled into his body, he curled his arm around her waist and she was fast asleep again.
"Never." He replied, knowing she wouldn't hear him. He listened to her breathing as he fell asleep, and dreamed of her.
"Cedric's going to kill him." Angelina stated, looking at George and then at the two sleeping. Olivia's head was on Fred's shoulder, her arm across his body and her legs wrapped around his. Fred's head rested on hers and his arm was still around her waist, hanging low on her body. The sheets were a tangled mess around both of them and both were fully clothed in, now, very disheveled robes.
"It doesn't look like anything happened..." George chided, and Angelina clucked her tongue.
"All except for her being in bed with him... the whole night." Lee chuckled, watching the two.
"The task is going to start soon and I reckon Diggory has been looking for her." George urged, both Angelina and Lee looked at him.
"So we wake them, but how?" Angelina asked, but before George or Lee could make any suggestions Alicia burst into the room,
"GOOD MORNING!" She exclaimed, waking the two and startling Fred so much that he shot up and accidentally pushed Olivia off of the bed, making a large crash sound. Olivia hit the ground hard, her left hand outstretched to try and break her fall. She heard a cracking noise as her wrist impacted the ground and swore to herself. Rolling onto her back she clenched her teeth while clutching her arm, a sharp pain radiating from it. She opened her eyes and five people stared down at her.
"Merlin, Olivia! I'm so sorry!" Fred stammered, grabbing her left arm and helping her up.
"Ouch- no! My arm, something cracked- it just hurts." She ripped it out of his grasp and looked back at the other four who looked at her curiously.
"Let me take a look!" Alicia insisted, reaching for her arm.
"No!" Olivia shouted, putting it behind her back, "I'm really fine. I just- what's the time?" She asked.
"Nearly time for the first task." Lee declared. Olivia's heart quickened,
"What?" She gasped,
"That's what I was coming to tell you Freddie! If you didn't wake up soon enough you'd miss it! Although, I see you were occupied." Alicia smirked, looking between the two of them. Olivia blushed and looked down,
"I-nothing happened." She stared at her feet as she spoke.
"Olivia, it's fine. Fred and I aren't exclusive or anything, so there's no w-" Alicia began,
"Nothing. Happened." Olivia rebuked, "I'm leaving." She added quickly.
They all watched as she stormed out of the dormitory, still wearing only one shoe. Fred got to his feet and ran after her, leaving the room without a word to the others.
"Bloody hell Alicia, you can be quite daft sometimes- do you know that?" Angelina growled at the girl, she looked up wide-eyed.
"How?" Alicia asked. Angelina rolled her eyes and walked out of the dormitory, Lee following behind her.
"Because he's in love with her." George sighed, slinging his arm around Alicia. She nodded slightly, mouthing an 'O' as her eyes widened.

"Olivia- Olivia wait!" Fred shouted, running to catch up to her. He caught sight of her once he'd left the common room and reached for her right arm, pulling her behind a pillar.
"What?" She asked dryly, not shifting her gaze from her feet.
"I'm sorry, about that. I didn't know they'd all decide to parade in and make you f-"
"I'm fine." Olivia cut him off, staring down at her feet still, ignoring the sharp pain still coming from her left arm.
"I don't know why Alicia would say that, she just..." he trailed off, and she met his eyes finally.
"Look, she's terribly nice, and I really quite like her. But I will not be mistaken for another girl who just wants to be a notch on your bedpost." She said quickly,
"But you're not." Fred said evenly, watching her eyes.
"And I won't be." She glowered, looking back down.
"Olivia..." he breathed, not knowing what to say. He had found himself in some compromising positions in the past few days and was at a loss for words.
"Fred," she took his hand and looked up at him sincerely, "I thought, maybe, there was something here. But Cedric's right, you and George just like attention. I can't- I'm sorry. I know I asked you to stay, that's my fault... but I, I can't do this. Whatever this is. It's not, serious. And you're not... serious. And it can't be serious- even if there was something."
"Cedric's a git." Fred sneered, feeling insulted that she thought he only wanted her attention and nothing else. Of course she'd believe Cedric.
"Excuse me?" She snapped, dropping his hand. She glared at him and felt a dark emotion she'd never felt before.
"I said, Cedric. Is. A. Git." He glared at her and repeated each word- they hit her like multiple shots to the heart.
"How dare you!? He's kinder than you'll ever be, and he would never insult anyone like you're doing now!" She was indignant, but was taken aback when Fred started to laugh.
"That's rich!" Fred yelled at her, "he already has insulted me- and George!"
"He has not!" She cried, feeling like steam must've been coming out of her ears, "that's not an insult, but this is- you're foul and I wish I'd never met you! I would have rather the dementor taken my soul than to have fallen on you that day on the train!"
"You don't mean that!" He shouted,
"Yes, I do!"
"You don't!"
"How would you know!?" She screamed at him. He pulled her into him and planted his lips on hers. Trying everything she had in her to fight against it she instead found herself kissing him back hungrily, moving her hands up to his face and tangling in his hair. Her body wasn't listening to her mind, and there was no way to stop. He lifted her up and pushed her against the pillar, her legs wrapping around him automatically. She felt like she was drowning in him and had never wanted anything so badly in her life. She grabbed the tie that was hanging loosely around his neck and used it to pull him into her as he held her thighs and let one hand move up against her skin and just under the hem of her skirt. She moaned into his mouth and bunched the fabric of his shirt in her fists, angling her hips into him. She bit his bottom lip and he let out a husky groan,
"You drive me mad." He growled into her ear, kissing down her neck until he reached the collar of her blouse. He let his hand stray a little farther under her skirt,
"W-wait," she breathed, opening her eyes. Her right arm had begun throbbing in a way she wasn't used to, she met Fred's eyes and mumbled, "Cedric." Before her eyes fluttered shut and she fell unconscious.
"What in the bloody hell happened to you?" Cedric asked, as Olivia's eyes opened. She found both of her arms bandaged, but her left was in a sling that was wrapped around her neck.
"What happened to you?" She retorted, his face was covered in a thick orange paste.
"A dragon." He laughed, she shot up,
"I missed it? I'm so sorry! How did it go?" She asked, wracked with guilt.
"Fine. I'm in second place. Got a bit burned, but your plan was mostly successful."
Olivia frowned, "not all successful then. I'm sorry."
Cedric looked at her and reached for her hand, she noticed his arm had dark red marks down it.
"What are those?" She asked, holding his hand. He frowned,
"Well, I suppose I almost died. I reckon that would have broken my promise to marry you." He said the last part in a whisper. Her face fell.
"My arm..." she said thoughtfully, remembering the strange feeling from before and wondering if it was connected. Madame Pomfrey stormed in between them.
"Ms. Wood! One arm badly burned again, and the other sprained! Mr. Weasley had to carry you here, the poor boy was worried sick. You must take more care. Here." She handed Olivia two potions, one dark green and the other light blue.
"Thank you." Olivia said quietly, as Madame Pomfrey huffed and walked away.
"So you were with Weasley." Cedric smirked, "how'd you manage to sprain you arm?"
"I fell out of his bed." She mumbled angrily, Cedric's eyes widened, "No, not that. I fell asleep, as did he. And I woke up too late to see you." She omitted the snogging as she hadn't had anytime to think about it herself.
"Right..." Cedric nodded. His hand had badly burned, but not just from almost breaking the promise. Cho had quickly kissed his cheek before the first task and it had started then, but he didn't want to worry Olivia. Not when both her arms were bandaged and she hadn't been herself for the past few days. In truth, he felt bad because he hadn't noticed her absence from the first task at all- realizing that he'd definitely been spending too much time with Cho.
"Did you get a clue for the next task?" Olivia asked, noticing him deep in thought.
"Yes, but it's a shrieking egg." He sighed,
"A what?" She inquired, tilting her head to the side.
"I'll show you later."
Olivia began unwrapping her right arm and held it up to the light, noticing there was a new- but different- deep red line that stretched from her thumb down to her elbow.
"Ced, let me see your arm." She reached for it as he held it out to her. "We have the same scar." She noticed, looking at the identical lines on their arms.
He looked at his arm and hers, and looked pensive.
"What do you think it means?" He asked,
"I'm not sure." She answered solemnly, scared to think about what might have caused it.
Ehhhh, I'm really not sure about this chapter... I really liked it when I wrote it, but it's been a few days now so let me know.
It's another long one, I know, the next few likely will be- but hopefully that doesn't deter you from reading.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Friday Everyone!

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